Project Title: Oceanic Influence on Global Water/Energy Cycle P.I.:W. Timothy Liu; Co-I: Wenqing Tang and Xiaosu Xie Science Issue:Characterization and understanding of oceanic influence of global water/energy cycle was hampered by sparsity of data Approach:Develop and improve methodology of spacebased retrieval of moisture transport, evaporation, and momentum flux, over ocean and relate them to global water/energy cycle Satellite-based Data: QuikSCAT, AMSR-E, AIRS, ISCCP, TRMM, MISR, AMSU Other Data: ECMWF,ECCO, Lagrangian drifters, river discharge,Argos Study Period: 2000 to present Project Status: Year 1 & 2:Developed, improved, and validated spacebased moisture transport. Applied to achieve continental water balance over South America Year 3:Study cloud-radiation feedback over water front. Improve evaporation retrieval Year 4 & 5:Water/energy balance over global ocean Xie,X.,W.T. Liu and B.Tang 2007: Remote Sens. Environ., in press. Liu, W. T., X. Xie, W. Tang, and V. Zlotnicki, 2006:, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L08710. Liu, W.T. and W. Tang, 2005: J. Geophys. Res. 110, D10101. South-America Water Balance NWS linkages: (pull, push, collaborate, external) Product provided to Lin, Scholsser, Waliser, NEWS NASA:QuikSCAT,TRMM, EOS WCRP:GEWEX, CLIVAR, VAMOS W. Timothy Liu, Updated October 28, 2007