BRAZIL Brazil has depleted about 93% of the foretry into barren land for industry, cultivation,wood ,etc It has occurred mainly for rapid economic and demgraphic expansion Extensive legal and illegal logging destroy forests the size of a small country per year There are many other reason such as for timber , Soybean production, cattle ranching.
BRAZIL Due to deforestation the wildlife species have endangered there life and have reduced. Depletion of forest as estimated will result to extintion of 50% of species in brazil Due to industrilisation and urbanistion it may cause much harm to the wild species.
CANADA At 0.02% of its forest area ,deforestation in canada is estimated to be the worls lowest. This is because canada’s government carefully moniters and regularly publishes reports for deforestation. Canada represents only 9% of the forestry in the world out of which only 0.02% has been cleared.
CANADA As said earlier canada is a global leader in deforestation as it has reduced deforestation among past 20 years. For it takes measures as the canada’s government launches regular and updated records for deforestation. Deforestation has not effected canada as there is no change in climitic conditions and species of canada.
CONGO Deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) isa significant transnational issue. In the DRC, forests are cleared for agricultural purposes by utilizing slash and burn techniques.
CONGO Since 1990, the rate of deforestation in the DRC has remained constant at 0.20%, which equates to the loss of 311,000 hectares, or roughly 1,200 square miles, annually.[1] This amounts to destroying forests the size of Delaware every two yearsa
CHINA Deforestation is one of the main contributors to climate change. It comes in many forms, natural fires, agricultural clear cutting, livestock ranching, and untenable logging for timber, degradation due to climate change, and etc. Forests cover 31% of the land area on our planet and annually, 18.7 million acres of forest is lost.[1] Deforestation is a mass elimination of trees which continues to threaten tropical forests, their biodiversity.
CHINA The main area of concern of deforestation is in tropical rainforest since it is home to the majority of the biodiversity.
INDONESIA In the list of most deforstation causing countries indonasia is one which is known for deforestation Mainly for indusrilisation and housing only deforestation is caused. Common ways of deforestation used are cutting trees and forest fire.
INDONESIA Due to much deforestation cused in indonasia the climatic conditions are not the same. Water cycle is also being affected as in indonasia it is expected to rain anytime. The quality of life led by people has also been affected as soil erosion is being caused which has decreased local water quality and contribtion to poor health of the people
AUSTRALIA Australia is a forest poor country and extensive effords arerequiredto stop the ecological impact of deforestation. Australia has lost almost 40% of its forest and the left forest are fregmented. The land was cleard in australia mainly for agricultural use
AUSTRALIA It has lead to climatic changes in australia for about 1.0C in the warmth of the temperature of country. There are more heat-retaining carban dioxidepresent in the atmosphere than before. Soil salinity has been effected by 7%,also soil fertility has reduced and there are very less amount of minerals present in soil.
INDIA Deforestation is one of the main cause in india for environmental degradation. Deforestation is caused in india mainly for agriculture , commercial logging , minning , urbanisation and industrilation. India has been deforestated by about 40% of forest into barren land
INDIA Due to it food problems have occurred as lands degrade in their quality and do not produce good quality products. Due to change in climatic conditions heavy rainfall and high sunlight causes damage to the topsoil and makes it difficult to cultivate and be used for other purpose also. In india it has led to environmental degradation at a high level,economical imbalance,health issues.