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Presentation transcript:


Although Earth’s natural resources like oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and water are constantly being recycled, other natural resources used by man cannot be. Resources can be classified as being renewable or non-renewable.

RENEWABLE RESOURCES These can be reused or quickly replaced. Examples are: trees, solar power

NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES These are in limited supply and once they are used up, they are gone forever. Examples are: nuclear energy, coal, minerals

ENERGY RESOURCES Energy makes it possible for humans to live a comfortable lifestyle like having transportation, entertainment and temperature controlled surroundings.

Renewable energy: solar, wind, hydroelectric, water, biofuel (wood), geothermal.

Non-renewable energy: fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.

Man is the only species to make and use paper, glass, metals, plastics and cloths. These are used in schools, homes and offices and are usually readily discarded into the environment where they either break-down or accumulate posing pollution problems.

BIODEGRADABLE MATERIALS Materials that are able to be broken down naturally into simpler, harmless forms by the action of micro-organisms.

NON-BIODEGRADABLE MATERIALS Materials that cannot be broken down by microbes or take a very long time to do so (persist).

To prevent non-renewable resources from running out, people are being taught to: Reuse – use something again and again over time up to its potential for a different or same intended use instead of throwing away.

Reduce – to not overuse or overbuy needed products thus lessening the need to throw them away.

Recycle – to collect materials, separate them, remaking them into new items of their original form.

Recycling - totally new product Reusing does not damage the environment any further.

RECYCLING ADVANTAGES Resources not used up quickly Less land-fill space needed Less water and soil pollution as waste decomposes Less harm to animals Less energy in recycling than making new

RECYCLING DISADVANTAGES Collection and transportation Separating Storage space before recycling Uses electricity