Career Development Planning The slides are designed as an introduction to the various stages on the career development planning process. Presenter notes guide the facilitator in the delivery of the presentation. The presentation is designed to be used sequentially over a three or six month period, allowing the learners time to build language and knowledge through completing the appropriate suggested activities as part of an integrated program. The career development content is organised into five themes. These slides are a guide only. If you feel that the content of a particular slide does not suit your class (eg Slide 7), you can use other examples.
Introduction -Career development planning is the ongoing process of managing your life, learning and work. -It involves developing the skills and knowledge that enable you to plan and make an informed decisions about your education, training and career choices. -Planning a career is influenced by your vision in life, your skill sets, your interests and hobbies, your personal, cultural values and your goals. -Understanding how these steps influence your decisions is likely to assist you in making a better career choice for yourself, rather than follow what others tell you to do. Example; knowing the type of work that interest you is likely to lead you to a job or training that you enjoy. -In this presentation we will look at the essential steps needed in order to make a good career decision. Image source: Image source:
Essential stages of Career Development Where do I start? Exploring skills and goals previous jobs and interests Setting goals and planning a pathway Planning for a new start career action plan job search & job requirements Reality testing and decision making Work opportunities in the labour market ***This slide appears gradually**** Exploring skills and goals: In this stage you will explore your interests, what you enjoy in the context of work, your hobbies, your personal and cultural values, your personal attributes, your previous skills and work history, your existing knowledge including qualifications/ licence etc. Example 1: some jobs may not be suitable because of your cultural values and that is ok, you need to look at jobs that fit your values and consider the work environment that is suitable for YOU. Example 2: is it important for you to earn an income and provide for your family, or is it more important to have a highly valued, well paid job? Planning for a new start: In this stage you will explore the job requirements, licence, qualifications etc. Build an understanding of the job search process in Australia (i.e. resume, cover letter, networking, job search websites, interview skills etc) Identifying work opportunities in the context of the labour market: Learn about opportunities, future growth, pay rate, work conditions etc. Example: if you consider to be come a chef, you need to consider working hours and how these will fit with your family situation now. Or perhaps in few years. Example: Trade jobs are high in demand in Australia but you need to consider to compromise on the pay while being trained as an apprentice. Reality testing and decision making: narrow down your options, consider obstacles, set goals short term and long term and consider realistic timelines. Identify people who can support you along the way. Setting goals and planning a pathway: write it all down, re visit your plan every few months and track your progress, re- evaluate it. The reason this is a circular model is because its on-going process through life, once you land a job you will then consider how to develop yourself for a better or higher paying job. Once you finish a course, you will consider how you can use the new skills in your next role. obstacles and choices future growth and opportunities
Career Development Exploring skills and goals Setting goals and planning a pathway Planning for a new start Theme 1 – Exploring skills and goals Worksheets in this theme will help learners identify and name interests, skills and plans. Reality testing and decision making Work opportunities in the labour market