California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
Purpose The tests in CAASPP provide information to teachers, parents/guardians, and students about students’ progress and readiness for college and career. Because CAASPP tests are given statewide, they provide an opportunity to measure the skills of all students against the same academic standards. Given online, the tests are computer-adaptive, allowing more precise measurement of individual skills.
What is included in CAASPP? Test Administered to ELPAC - English Language Proficiency Assessments for California All English Learners or new students whose home language is not English Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Assessments (SBAC) for English Language Arts Grades 3-8 and 11 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Assessments (SBAC) for Math California Science Test (CAST) Students in grades 5 and 8 California Alternative Assessment (CAA) Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities whose IEP team designates the use Physical Fitness Test Grades 5 and 7
Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments All students in grades three through eight and grade eleven take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments in ELA and mathematics with the following exceptions: Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities and whose individualized education program (IEP) team designates the use of the alternate assessment (CAA) English learners who have been enrolled in a school in the United States for fewer than 12 months for ELA only (optional exemption)
California Science Test (CAST) The CAST measures what 5th and 8th grade students know and can do using the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS), which focus on understanding the scientific concepts found in the life sciences, earth and space sciences, and physical sciences. These standards integrate disciplinary core ideas science and engineering practices crosscutting concepts to help students understand how science works in the natural world.
What do the tests include? ELA and Math tests include Computer Adaptive Test adjusts the level of difficulty to the student’s abilities scored on the number of correct answers and the level of difficulty Performance Task designed to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate higher-order thinking skills to explore and analyze a complex, real-world scenario.
What do the tests include? The California Science Testis a computer-based test that consists of stand-alone questions two or three performance tasks. These performance tasks require students to solve a series of related questions.
Question Types Multiple Choice (A,B,C or D) Multiple Response (A and D) Open Response (Short answer or paragraph) Highlighting Text Drag and Drop Graphing
Demonstration Go to Choose the Green Student Interface Click Sign In Select Grade Select practice or training test
How do I help my child? On Testing Days Plenty of sleep before testing A good, balanced breakfast Everyday Talk to your child about what he/she learned at school
How will I know how my child did?
What do we do with your child’s data? State test scores provide information that helps us refine pacing guides schedule intervention or enrichment plan and scaffold instruction develop and monitor the School Site Plan
Crittenden Testing Dates CAST- 8th grade Science test (April 30th-May 3rd) CAASPP-All grades (May 7th - May 17th)