Growing Older, Eating Better By: Sahira Copenhaver The Pennsylvania State University: Applied Nutritional Sciences January 4, 2011
Why the Concern About Nutrition? Nutrition remains important throughout life Diseases associated with older adults Studies show that …
Some Facts About Nutrition For Older Adults Same types of nutrients are required for older ones as for younger ones, except the amounts Selecting foods that will provide lots of nutrients with little calories
Some essential nutrients that you need to keep in mind when choosing healthy, nutrient rich meals …
Calcium Important as one grows older How much? Good sources
Vitamin C Low levels will lead to … Good sources
Potassium Very few people know how important potassium is Good sources
Vitamin B12 Very important for … Good sources
Magnesium Required for a wide range of processes throughout the body Good sources
Vitamin Essential for maintaining good vision, the growth of tissues, and for immunity Good sources
Vitamin D Helps in the absorption of calcium and is preventive against diseases of the bone Good sources
Vitamin E Very good antioxidant, protecting cells from damage Good sources
Fiber Keeps bowel working in peak condition, may also help protect against cancer, diabetes and heart disease Good sources
Main Points to Remember Enhance foods using spices, herbs and lemon juice Portion sizes Eat a WIDE range of foods!
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Healthy Snack: Carrot Cashew Spread Carrots Raw cashews Apricots Dates Cinnamon Agave Good source of Magnesium and Vitamin A High in Fiber and Protein, low in Sugar