Office of Adult Education Instructional Services Team FY19 NRS Training: Reporting Student Performance on Table 4 - ABE Scenarios Office of Adult Education Instructional Services Team
Training Objectives Emphasize what makes a Period of Participation (PoP) Review the different ways that students can earn Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) Explain each column on NRS Table 4 Complete a hands-on activity plotting students on Table 4
Period of Participation (Key Points) A Period of Participation (PoP) begins with a student’s first day of recorded attendance. ends the last date the participant has recorded attendance (before exiting the program for at least 90 days). must be at least 12 hours. must have a valid assessment. can continue across fiscal years. Program Entry GALIS determines a student’s entry and exit dates behind the scenes based upon entered attendance data. Students can have more than one PoP in a fiscal year. However, in FY18, fewer than 3% of students had more than one PoP.
NRS Table 4: MSG by EFL First Period of Participation All Periods of Participation NRS Table 4: MSG by EFL When it comes to reporting students on our federal reports, NRS Table 4 specifically, a student’s first period of participation is reported on the left side of the report. All PoPs that a student attends are reported on the right side of the report (including the first one).
Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) Educational Functioning Level Gain (1) Pre- and Post-Test (2) Program exit and entry into postsecondary education or training by June 30 (3) Secondary Diploma (GED) by June 30 Under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) (old legislation), student completions were only reported via pre and post-testing and it was called EFL gain. Now, under our new legislation, WIOA, we have Measurable Skill Gains, which expands the opportunities for student completions/gains to be reported. Essentially, we have 2 types of gain opportunities EFL Gain – EFL gain is still pre and post-testing, but it has been expanded to include Postsecondary Enrollment. Please note that for Postsecondary to be counted as a completion, a student must exit the program (90 days) and enroll in Postsecondary education or training by the end of the FY, June 30th. Secondary Diploma achievement by June 30 – In Georgia that would be completion of the GED by June 30, regardless of program exit date. So, we have two types of MSG, but 3 ways to get MSG; let’s look at those 3 ways again (next slide)
Three ways to get MSG in Adult Education Comparing the participant’s pretest with the participant’s posttest, using an NRS approved test Enrollment in postsecondary education or training after exit (no service for 90 days), but by June 30th of the fiscal year from any level Earning a secondary diploma (GED) by June 30th of the fiscal year from any level
Recording Student Data on NRS Table 4 NRS Table 4 is divided into rows and columns. Rows: Students are placed in an Educational Functioning Level (EFL) based upon their lowest pre-test score. Their outcomes are reported on this row, even if their EFL goes up. Columns: MSG is reported on Table 4 in columns D, E, & J Column D – EFL Gain (Pre/Post-testing and Postsecondary Entry) Column E – GED® Credential Attainment by 6/30 Column J – All Measurable Skill Gains for all PoPs
How MSG is Reported on Table 4 Some post-testing achievements made in a second PoP can be counted back to the first PoP. GALIS makes this determination behind the scenes. MSGs are always counted to give the most benefit to the local program. Multiple Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) via pre/post-testing can happen during a PoP, but only the last one achieved (by date) is reported on the NRS Table 4.
GED and Postsecondary Entry Reporting While pre/post-testing gains are still recorded in GALIS, for NRS Table 4 reporting, GED and Postsecondary Entry achievements: supersede the reporting of pre/post-testing achievements. are reported no matter when they were achieved during the fiscal year, as long as it was by June 30. (Note: A student has to exit adult education before the postsecondary entry for it to count.) are reported in all of the Periods of Participation that the student has on Table 4. If the student has both the GED and Postsecondary Entry, the last one achieved by date is reported.
NRS Table 4: MSG by EFL First Period of Participation All Periods of Participation NRS Table 4: MSG by EFL
Darryl entered the program on January 7 at the ABE 3 level Darryl entered the program on January 7 at the ABE 3 level. After 46 hours of instruction, he post-tested and advanced to ABE 4. After an additional 15 hours of instruction, he stopped attending on May 10, and did not return during the fiscal year. How many Periods of Participation (PoPs) did Darryl have? How many MSGs did Darryl earn? Using the NRS Table 4 provided, plot how Darryl would appear in each column.
First Period of Participation All Periods of Participation Darryl 1 61 1 0 0 0 100% 1 1 100%
Rosita entered the program on September 4 at the ABE 2 level, and stopped attending on October 6 after 21 hours of instruction. She re-entered the program on February 18 and after 42 hours of instruction, she post-tested, and advanced to ABE 4. She stopped attending on May 3 with an additional 34 hours of instruction, and did not return during the fiscal year. How many Periods of Participation (PoPs) did Rosita have? How many MSGs did Rosita earn? Using the NRS Table 4 provided, plot how Rosita would appear in each column.
First Period of Participation All Periods of Participation Rosita 1 97 1 0 0 0 100% 2 1 50% Darryl 1 61 1 0 0 0 100% 1 1 100%
Sasha entered the program on August 10 at the ABE 5 level Sasha entered the program on August 10 at the ABE 5 level. After 49 hours of instruction, she post-tested on September 30, and advanced to ABE 6. She did not return to class. She re-entered the program on January 11, and stopped attending on February 16 after 32 hours of instruction. She enrolled and started attending classes at her local technical college in March. How many Periods of Participation (PoPs) did Sasha have? How many MSGs did Sasha earn? Using the NRS Table 4 provided, plot how Sasha would appear in each column.
First Period of Participation All Periods of Participation Rosita 1 97 1 0 0 0 100% 2 1 50% Darryl 1 61 1 0 0 0 100% 1 1 100% Sasha 1 81 1 0 0 0 100% 2 2 100%
Saddiq enrolled into the Adult Education Program on May 15 Saddiq enrolled into the Adult Education Program on May 15. His entry EFL was ABE 1 based on his Language pretest. After 48 hours of instruction, he was post-tested, but remained within his level. He continued attending classes through June (32 hours) and into the next fiscal year. How many Periods of Participation (PoPs) did Saddiq have? How many MSGs did Saddiq earn? Using the NRS Table 4 provided, plot how Saddiq would appear in each column.
First Period of Participation All Periods of Participation Saddiq 1 80 0 0 0 1 0% 1 0 0% Rosita 1 97 1 0 0 0 100% 2 1 50% Darryl 1 61 1 0 0 0 100% 1 1 100% Sasha 1 81 1 0 0 0 100% 2 2 100%
Enid, a home-schooled student, enrolled into the Adult Education Program on July 6 to prepare for the GED Test. Her entry EFL was ABE 4. After 16.5 hours, she stopped attending class on July 29. She returned on November 12. After 35 hours of instruction, she was post-tested and moved to ABE 6. She earned her GED diploma in December. How many Periods of Participation (PoPs) did Enid have? How many MSGs did Enid earn? Using the NRS Table 4 provided, plot how Enid would appear in each column.
First Period of Participation All Periods of Participation Saddiq 1 80 0 0 0 1 0% 1 0 0% Rosita 1 97 1 0 0 0 100% 2 1 50% Darryl 1 61 1 0 0 0 100% 1 1 100% Enid 1 51.5 0 1 0 0 100% 2 2 100% Sasha 1 81 1 0 0 0 100% 2 2 100%
Rick attended a 6-hour orientation for enrollment into the Adult Education Program on July 10 and pre-tested into ABE 6. He attended the first day of class for 3.5 hours, but despite the retention efforts of the program staff, he did not return. How many Periods of Participation (PoPs) did Rick have? How many MSGs did Rick earn? Using the NRS Table 4 provided, plot how Rick would appear in each column.
First Period of Participation All Periods of Participation Saddiq 1 80 0 0 0 1 0% 1 0 0% Rosita 1 97 1 0 0 0 100% 2 1 50% Darryl 1 61 1 0 0 0 100% 1 1 100% Enid 1 51.5 0 1 0 0 100% 2 2 100% Sasha 1 81 1 0 0 0 100% 2 2 100% Rick does not have enough hours to be a participant, so he doesn’t appear on Table 4.
Final Thoughts: PoPs and MSG Programs are encouraged to: Practice a variety of scenarios at team meetings and trainings Provide ongoing training throughout the year Request technical assistance and/or training from OAE Ensure all employees gain understanding