Perfect Tense Verbs
How to conjugate Endings from song But where does the v come from? -ī, -istī, -it, -imus, -istis, -ērunt But where does the v come from? Laudavērunt -> laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus 3rd principal parts
Example Rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus Start with rogavi; the stem is rogav Add endings from song 1st Rogavi I (have) asked Rogavimus We (have) asked 2nd Rogavisti You (have) asked Rogavistis Y’all (have) asked 3rd rogavit He/she/it (has) asked rogaverunt They (have) asked
Practice Conjugate pulso, pulsare, pulsavi in the perfect Conjugate supero, superare, superavi in the perfect Pulsavi, pulsavisti, pulsavit, pulsavimus, pulsavistis, pulsaverunt Superavi, superavisti, superavit, superavimus, superavistis, superaverunt