UN GLOBAL PULSE: UNGIWG Use Case Harnessing innovation to protect the vulnerable Sara Farmer Chief Platform Architect, UN Global Pulse Executive Office of the Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, NY
Early warning of “stress” in population Capability to be developed Early warning of “stress” in population From stress markers found in real-time data And non-marker-specific data anomolies Backed up by static contextual data Combined Government & UN analysis facility Specific to region (but NY lab covers 'world')
License agreements (both ways) High-priority issues License agreements (both ways) So PulseLabs can share data with governments and private bodies Data Privacy Protection Agreements, technology to allow us to use non-anonymised data without damaging provider reputation Access to more real-time UN Datasets We're looking everywhere: we can't find markers without access to data. Toolset Avoid reinventing e.g. phone-based surveys
UN Agencies - Hold data that could be contain vulnerability data Stakeholders UN Agencies - Hold data that could be contain vulnerability data Private companies - Hold data that could be contain vulnerability data Legal - Understand copyright, IPR and data protection issues. Government Bodies and Analysts - Who use the data products Private Individuals and Communities - subjects of GP analysis Open Source/ Data/ Collaboration communities - tools, data, time, expertise
Near real-time data: lots of it! Market activity (SMS) etc Needs for Real-time data and Social Media Feeds Near real-time data: lots of it! Market activity (SMS) etc Social Media: all of them! Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Search engine results Quora SMS log data
Social media management Statistical analysis Big data processing ICT/ Geomatics Skill Sets Needed Social media management Statistical analysis Big data processing Crowd management Open innovation management Community engagement Data visualisation Agile application development