20 Batch transfer 08.05.2019
This documentation and training is provided to you by beas group AG This documentation and training is provided to you by beas group AG. The documents are neither approved nor in any way acknowledged or endorsed by SAP. For SAP Business One, only the documentation and training officially released by SAP shall be binding upon SAP. SAP shall not be responsible for any content of this documentation and training and this documentation and training shall not be binding upon SAP in any way. The official current SAP Business One documentation and training for SAP Business One is available at http://service.sap.com/sbocustomer/documentation and http://service.sap.com/sbocustomer/training. 5/8/2019
Requirements for this Tutorial What you should successfully master The basics of SAP The basics of be.as 08.05.2019
Learning Targets After working through the lesson, you will be able to: Post and manage batches Mix batches of different items with other batches/items 08.05.2019
Agenda The new module: Batch transfer offers the following functions: Re-post a batch or a part of a batch to an existing or a new batch Mix several batches into one Combine several batches of different items with another item or batch Fully integrated bin location capability 08.05.2019
Batch transfer Call up via Materials management – Batches - Batch transfer Possibilities: mix several batches of different items to a different item/batch The batch number of the article is freely modifiable, posting reference and reason can be entered or different attributes of the new batch. Total number of items is suggested by the program, but us still changeable (in case of losses, etc.) After processing: post batch. 08.05.2019
Workflow Post batch: Posting in SAP Document History What happens at batch posting ? In the backgroung manual postings are performed in SAP (issue and receipt) A batch transfer document is created, which is linked to these two posting documents. It is available through Materials management - Batches – Batch transfer - Button History. History 08.05.2019
Batch transfer history 13 Projekte freigeben History : All batch transfers are displayed Clicking on a document: 08.05.2019
Batch transfer document view 13 Projekte freigeben Document 1: In SAP there are no batches and no such transfer, therefore simple postings are used. Two documents are created: receipt and issue, normal SAP documents are created Receipt document 36 refers to batch transfer document 25, this way tracking is possible and mapping of original and new batch numbers through document 1 Like all listings, this one dynamically adjustable 08.05.2019
Functions in customer order Batch exchange possible directly in the customer order Customer order: Field "quantity" Ctrl+Tab opens batch number selection Selecting batch, take over as reserved batch. From this, a delivery can be created. 08.05.2019
Functions in customer order Materials management - batches - batch transfer: Tickbox „withdrawal customer order“: All open customer orders with reserved batches are displayed New batches can be created in the customer order. 08.05.2019
Necessary settings Transfer several batches: Switched on per default. Several batches/items can be reposted to one batch. If deactivated, only one batch can be reposted to another batch. Batch exchange in customer order: Turned off per default: If option "withdrawal of customer order" is activated, batch exchange is possible directly in the customer order. Booking on another item number: Switched on per default: Both the change of batch and item number is possible. Numbering for post in/charge off: A separate numbering can be chosen for booking documents, created in the background; this is to activate in SAP - Administration 08.05.2019
Summary You can now: Transfer and mix batches Mix batches of different items with other batches/items 5/8/2019
Thanks for your cooperation! 08.05.2019