Prince William Sound Herring Data and Information Portal Hi, For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Steve Moffitt and I’m the area research biologist for the Department of Fish and Game Commercial Fisheries Division in Cordova. The proposal that I’m going to discuss is titled “Herring data and information portal” Rob Bochenek of Axiom Data Management Services is providing the technical support for this proposal, however, he is out of town this week. Steve Moffitt Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commercial Fisheries Research Cordova Rob Bochenek Axiom Consulting & Design Anchorage
Project objectives Consolidate herring data sets, metadata and other electronic resources to publicly accessible web portal for herring information. Provide web accessible map based visualization of geospatially enabled herring data. Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the absorption of additional herring datasets, metadata and information to the centralized herring data system. Provide system architecture documentation. Develop Arcpad application to automate herring spawn data collection (not applicable to this presentation).
Technical Strategy Acquire and assess existing herring data resources. Develop Geospatial Data Model Choose a candidate dataset based on High data quality High Degree of Complexity Importance to Herring Restoration Develop Standard Operating Procedures From Processing Candidate Dataset and loading into data model. Develop USEFUL web based map user interface Provide results showing (Proof of Concept) That it’s possible to do this with geospatial data in a structured, scalable way utilizing existing industry standards (FGDC, OGC, ODBC, etc…). A Detailed Roadmap for the absorption of addition data resources. Useful, detailed, data access.
Data Model Requirements Data model must meet the following requirements AUTONOMOUS data structure when absorbing new data, measurements and geospatial types. Conform to Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Standards. Scalable in terms of it’s ability to store information. Developed using NON-PROPRIETARY (universally available) technology Export data in a myriad of formats (existing and future)
Data Model Structure
Demo System
2008 ACTIVITIES Acquire and salvage more data (ASL, Herring disease, Acoustic Surveys, etc, shore zone, bathymetry…) Further Develop Geospatial Data Model Develop Web Feature Service to push data to AOOS… Build tools for analyzing data.