Anti-Suffrage Quotes “You do not need a ballot to clean out your sink spout. A handful of potash and some boiling water is quicker and cheaper.” “Control of the temper makes a happier home than control of elections.” “Clean houses and good homes, which cannot be provided by legislation, keep children healthier and happier than any number of uplift laws.” “Butter on a fresh burn takes out the sting. But what removes the sting of political defeat?”
“Everybody works but Mother: She’s a suffragette.” “I want to vote, but my wife won’t let me.” 1909
Men outside the headquarters of the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage, 1911.
Petition from the Women Voters Anti-Suffrage Party of New York to the United States Senate This petition was sent to the United States Senate and includes the names of women opposed to women’s suffrage in 1917. National Archives and Records Administration