Existing Priority Substances EQS revision - MS questionnaire


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Presentation transcript:

Existing Priority Substances EQS revision - MS questionnaire WG E Chemical Aspects Brussels 24-25 June 2010 Agenda item 3(i)(a) Helen Clayton WFD Team DG Environment European Commission

Questionnaire on existing priority substances 21 MS returned questionnaires – thank you! Document WG E(1)-10-03(i)(a) summarises MS proposals for review of EQS. Summaries of responses to other questions will be circulated when analysis is complete. Responses will be analysed in relation also to the source screening and measures sheets for existing substances.

Substances for which EQS should be reviewed because of new RAR data Anthracene Fluoranthene Naphthalene The 5 PAHs Check RAR for pitch: relevant new info?

Substances for which more stringent EQS might be derived because of (new) RAR data Lead + compounds (2008 RAR) Nickel + compounds (2008 RAR) PBDE (higher AF used in RAR?; + OctaBDE to be covered following prioritisation)

Substances for which EQS should be reviewed in order to comply with new EQS guidance Carbon tetrachloride Chlorpyrifos-ethyl The 4 cyclodiene pesticides para,para-DDT Tetrachlor-ethylene Trichlor-ethylene

Substances whose EQS should be reviewed for other reasons Benzene Carcinogenicity means human health should be assessment endpoint - more stringent EQS? Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Mercury + compounds Biota EQS should take account of different sensitivities of species, life stages etc Mercury: less stringent EQS in view of exceedances due to natural background?

Substances for which some MS suggested less stringent EQS (or EQS for other matrices) because of analytical difficulties 2 PAHs : Benzo(g,h,i)-perylene and Indeno(1,2,3-cd)-pyrene PBDE Cadmium + compounds C10-13 chloroalkanes Chlorpyrifos-ethyl The 4 cyclodiene pesticides Endosulfan Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Nonylphenols Octylphenols Pentachlorobenzene Tributyltin compounds