Learning Objective: Identify and define adverbs Do gestures with students. What are we going to do?
What are we doing today? Define and identify adverbs Have students share with partners the object then call on 3 non volunteer to share today’s objective Have students listen while to restate the word and tell them that an adverbs describes verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. Adverbs tell how when and where Call on non volunteer to define adverb
I jumped when I saw a mouse run across the classroom floor. Tell your partner what part of speech is the underlined word. (Noun, verb, adverb, and adjective) I jumped when I saw a mouse run across the classroom floor. Jumped is a verb. A verb describes an action. Allow students to share with partners. Have A tell B and B tell A. Walk around and make sure students are sharing ideas Allow about 2 minutes for discussion Then call on a volunteers to share responses
Adverb: a word used to tell more about a verb. (Adds to the verb) -Adverbs almost always answers the questions How? When? Where? How often? In what way? -Usually, but not always, end in –ly Example: The man walked slowly. She usually wakes up on time. We will go to the zoo tomorrow. Concept development Review meaning combining related sentences Pair share how to combine sentences Call on non volunteer to share meaning
The Importance of Defining Adverbs Helps you become a better reader and writer because you are able to identify parts of speech and makes your writing more interesting. Read the importance Call on non-volunteers to share the importance Have students to list other reasons why combining sentences are important and call on volunteers to share responses
Steps for identifying adverbs Read the sentence Identify and circle the verb Underline the word that adds to the verb (adverb) How?, When?, Where?, How often?, In what way? Jack plays tennis aggressively. Skill development have students use white boards CFU call on non volunteer to share responses and ask why they chose that answer
Steps for identifying adverbs Read the sentence Identify and circle the verb Underline the word that adds to the verb (adverb) How?, When?, Where?, How often?, In what way? He threw the ball hard. Skill development have students use white boards CFU call on non volunteer to share responses and ask why they chose that answer
Steps for identifying adverbs Bella ate her spaghetti noisily. Read the sentence Identify and circle the verb Underline the word that adds to the verb (adverb) How?, When?, Where?, How often?, In what way? Skill development have students use white boards CFU call on non volunteer to share responses and ask why they chose that answer
Closing What did we learn how to do today? Why is it important to learn? My dad anxiously waited for the Dodger game to start. 2. My sister waited nervously for her report card. Have students TPS the learning objective and the importance then call on a non-volunteer Have students use W/B and check to see if you 80%, if so move into independent practice. Check out the Brain Pop video on adverbs