Wednesday, May 18, 2016 ESL Level 3, Week 13
Announcements CASAS #3 tonight Vocabulary test next week
Agenda Vocabulary review and exercise CASAS after break I have your test grades I will give them to you after you finish CASAS.
Vocabulary Unit 1 Native (adj) nativo associated with country or People dress like region of a person’s birth this in my native country.
Vocabulary logs Abroad (adv) al extranjero In or to a foreign I traveled abroad last year. country Misunderstanding (n) malentendido Not being able to We had a misunderstanding. Understand something correctly
Vocabulary logs Cultures (n) culturas Language, religion Food or music that I love Italian culture. Belongs to a group of people
Vocabulary logs Distance (n) distancia The space between Ten miles is not a Two things short distance. Events (n) eventos An important thing I have many events That happens that I have to go to this year.
Vocabulary Unit 2 admirers (n) admiradores Someone who is a fan Luisa has many admirers. Or who really likes someone Else emotions (n) emociones Feelings Jack could not hide his emotions for Rose anymore.
Vocabulary logs . journey (n) viaje/ trayecto/ travesía Long trip Jack and Rose went on Long journey on the Titanic. Restless (adj) inquieto/ preocupado Worried I had a restless night because I can’t stop thinking about my problems.
Vocabulary Logs Topic (n) tema Theme or idea The topic of the reading is going shopping.
Unit 3 vocabulary Disaster (n) translation A terrible accident There was a disaster in Japan a few years ago. Calm (adj) translation Quiet, relaxed Our teacher is never calm when the students speak Chinese in her class. Area translation A part of a larger place You can park in that area.
Survivor (n) translation Someone who continues to My aunt is a cancer survivor. Live after an accident or a Disease. Alarmed (adj) translation Afraid, surprised Luisa was alarmed when the phone rang. Sink translation To go under water The boat will sink if you don’t fix the hole.
Unit 4 Awesome (adj) translation Incredible, great I had an awesome weekend Collect (v) translation To gather, or put together I collect postcards Weird (adj) translation Strange, not normal I had a weird day.
Popular (adj) translation Something that is liked The iPhone is popular. By many people Memory (n) translation Something that you I have nice memories remember of my country
Power (n) translation Being able to control President Obama or direct other people has a lot of power
Vocabulary Unit 5 Defendant (n) translation A person who is accused of a crime The judges ordered the defendant to pay $1,000. Record (n) translation Evidence or documents My dental record shows that I have no cavities.
20. Frightened (adj) translation Afraid The dog was frightened by the loud noise. 21. In a hurry (phrasal verb) translation Quickly The students finished their work in a hurry. 22. Indicating (v) translation Showing Students are indicating that they don’t like teacher’s sentences.
Using vocabulary In your groups, I want you to create a story using 10 vocabulary words. Create a main character. Create a story (think of a problem and a solution in the story. Make sure to use that your vocabulary words in the correct verb tense.