Terrestrial and Cislunar exploration technologies a veteran owned concern DUNS # 967877254 Steven Rappolee 810-334-4574 3501 North River RD, Apt 204H Ft Gratiot, MI 48059 5/8/2019 (C) Rappolee 2009/2011
Dragon planet finder** Mass produce Kepler components, adopt kepler software to Dragon and service module. Each spacecraft aimed at different parts of the sky, sell data to all comers , sovereign sales, universities, NASA as anchor tenant. Possibly kepler science instruments are housed in a Dragon capsule which offers the possibility of refurbishment, IE 5 years at L2 followed by refurbishment and re launch. Or more likely the Dragon side hatch allows for in space refurbishment of the telescope . ** we market this as the Dragon Planet Finder ! Building multiple Dragon planet finders brings down the cost of selling Data! Use used Dragons, remove the heat shield, design telescope aperture to fit dragon nose cone………………..cover the aft of the dragon pressure vessel with CCD’s
Does Dragon Planet finder need a Pressure vessel? Yes, to Dissipate heat perhaps, so we would need a pure nitrogen atmosphere. The avionics no doubt are most likely in the service module, but an argument could be made that a pressure vessel could trade weight with radiators. Likely the warm nitrogen atmosphere would interfere with the CCD and optics so we could just as easily leave the pressure vessel in vacuum. The pressure vessel provides an opportunity for a larger secondary and primary mirror then exits on kepler, this however increases costs on adapting kepler software Planet finding is popular with the public the world over, marketing data with multiple spacecraft might make business since. It is unfortunate that the IAU will not really honor planet or star naming rights, however a planet finding spacecraft could have naming rights, we could sell that for a very handsome price indeed, then all the planets would have that name and a number!
Dragon Planet Finder S Corporation Terrestrial, cislunar exploration technologies the veteran owned firm borrows from the import export bank fund to purchase a dragon and falcon 9 launch vehicle. The vehicles are placed into a S corporation SpaceX places the purchase price into the S corporation. The S corporation may accept in kind government and private Kepler payload items as contributions in lieu of cash SpaceX uses purchase price to develop payload for the S Corporation and this would be its contribution to the S corporation. The import/export bank would only fund the launchers nearer to their launch date? So we are purchasing the dragons for retro fit and R&D into planetfinders
Terrestrial and cislunar exploration technologies is allowed an option to purchase 5 Dragons and launch services, the discount value accrues to cislunar exploration technologies if the import bank allows this. If the Import/export bank will not allow a cash allowance to cislunar technologies, then cislunar will pay the full costs but receive an allowance or in kind contribution of equipment, IE we purchase 5 dragons and launchers over a ten year period we receive two dragons and service modules as in kind equipment contributions, Since cislunarX and SpaceX are partners its important to structure this for success
The grand plan 4 to 5 Dragon planet finders,10 red dragons x 3 MER’s , 1 yellow dragon,1 titan dragon. SpaceX sells 10/15/20 % of the company to a spaceX ESOP, a percentage goes to pay down the UAE investors, the rest goes to pay half the costs in a space act agreement with NASA for the small fission power plant and the small thermal nuclear engine. If spaceX is worth $3 billion then 10% is 300 million we use that to, Match the $40 NASA suggested small in space nuclear thermal engine R&D project* Match the $100 Million Small fission generator project with a space act agreement** *Needed for mars and outer planet missions ** needed for Dragon Titan ocean Lander
The small fission reactor allows us to sell Dragon Titan mission, and other deep space dragon Missions.
TerrestrialX and spaceX 4 Dragon planet finders Purchase and costs Flown over a 10 year period(every2.5 years), 4 upgraded flight sets of kepler instruments enclosed in a Dragon capsule. S100 million each plus Dragon service module and Falcon Launcher $400 million each ? **Enough to attract sovereign wealth customers and university consortiums? $1Billion billed over 15 years $67 million in the form of data sales. Terrestrial X borrows this sum over 10 years and spaceX places this purchase price into our partnership, its use is R&D. ** can falcon heavy loft two Dragons into earth trailing orbits? This might be $700 Million over 15 years or 47 million per year in data sales Can the docking mechanisms from a used Dragon be removed to be replaced with a two meter mirror? Or would we need a new modified Dragon with a large aperture nosecone
Discussion; trade space The third NRO telescope and Dragon planet finder THE temptation to expand on kepler capabilities R&D expenses will be incurred to adopt kepler software to Dragon planet finder; the base of the dragon capsule can accommodate more CCD then Kepler, should we? To much mission design can produce poor results; perhaps a Dragon Kepler is best left minimally changed from Kepler This would be Dragon Planet finder utilizing the third NRO 2.4 mirror and the entire base of the dragon capsule covered with kepler CCD’s This should produce a Hugh field of view
Risk reduction Fly dragon planet finder to geo; then to l2 GEO as a confidence building orbit for Dragon planet finder Fly dragon planet finder to geo; then to l2 The Princeton NRO WFIRST conference suggested trades between GEO and l2; perhaps with a relatively new spacecraft such as Dragon NRO WFIRST or Dragon planet finder, GEO would be perceived as less risky and subject to human servicing Then after a period of time transfer the spacecraft to L2** Many deep space station concepts revolve around L2; perhaps our L2 space station could start out life in GEO as could many a space telescope, both doing science while in a “check out mode” ** this in order to assure the customer of mission success and possibly while we wait for a L2 human tended facility