Welcome to Victory Baptist Church
Weekly Worship and Edification Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together… Sunday 10-11am: Sunday School for all ages 11am-Noon: Morning Worship Service 6-7pm: Evening Worship Service Tuesday 1pm: Weekly Outreach and Visitation Wednesday 7-8pm: Bible Study and Prayer Thursday 11am-3pm: Ladies Quilting
Sunday School Classes – 10am
“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith… 10am Adult Sunday School Studying Hebrews A Better Way Learning to Endure Come join us as we tackle one of the more controversial chapters in the Bible: Hebrews Chapter 6 “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…
Ladies Sunday School 10am Sunday Morning Downstairs Studying Ezra and Esther
Outreach and Visitation Tuesdays at 1:00pm See Wendy Maupin for more Details
Ladies Quilting and Crafting Come connect with other women who are committed to learning about God through the Scriptures, praying together, caring for one another, and bonding over God-given hand crafts. It is our desire to help you find friendships with other women and to grow in your life with Christ. Please come and join us! Every Thursday from 11am-3pm
Upcoming Events and Ministry Opportunities
Plan to attend the Sunrise Breakfast on April 21, 2019
Celebrating the Resurrection through Music Apr 7 Victory Baptist Choir Apr 14 Special music Apr 21 Special music by Women of Victory Baptist
New Pastor Fund $6,146 to date! In preparation for Pastor Maupin’s eventual retirement, the church has established a ‘New Pastor Fund’ to help with the expenses of hiring a new pastor for Victory Baptist Church If God is leading you, please feel free to give towards this above your regular giving May God bless you in your giving!
Victory Baptist Fruit Jar Ministry “Spare change changes lives” Be sure to collect your coins in your fruit jars! We will be designating the money collected to a missionary family that has communicated extraordinary needs to our church. Be sure to pray for our missionaries every day! Over the last 3 years, we’ve collected over $3,500! Contact Brother Woody Bridell for more information
In Love, Word & Deed is a local ministry dedicated to sharing the Gospel through providing donated food and clothing to the poor and homeless in the Twin Cities area. Victory Baptist Church has a donation barrel downstairs if you are interested in donating gently used clothing, sheets, blankets, socks, hats, and mittens. If you are interested in donating your time then head to www.ilwd.org for more information on dates, times, and events. For more information, call: 612.567.7593 or email: info@ilwd.org