Prehistoric Native Americans


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Presentation transcript:

Prehistoric Native Americans Academic Objective: SWBAT answer critical thinking questions about Native Americans who lived from Prehistoric times until 1492 while following an appointments protocol.

Chunk 1: Mini-Lesson

Chunk 2: Proficiency Scale

Chunk 3: Appointment Setting When I say “go”, walk around and set appointments for each chunk of the lesson by asking people if they will please be your your appointment partner, and then writing their names on the left side of your paper where it says “partner name” next to each chunk of the lesson. Do this and be back in you original seats in three minutes.

Appointment 1:

Appointment 2:

Appointment 3:

Appointment 4:

Appointment 5:

Exit Ticket Rate your success with today’s literacy standard by circling the score that you would give yourself out of four on the Proficiency Scale below: Then fill out the rest of your reflection on today’s lesson.