Jeopardy Nervous System
Rules: •Each group has a spokesperson. •15 sec Rules: •Each group has a spokesperson. •15 sec. per question •Groups will take turns choosing a question. •Play will continue until all questions are answered correctly, or we run out of time.
•Only blank papers on your desk •Only blank papers on your desk. •If a question is missed, the next group moves to another question. That question will remain available until answered correctly •1st place - 5 additional points on exam. •2nd place - 2 additional points on exam
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Cells of Nervous System 1 Synapse Brain Nerve Impulse The Systems $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
$100 Cells of Nervous System 1 These are short branches extending from the cell body of a neuron that function to receive impulses from other neurons Dendrites Game
$200 Cells of Nervous System 1 These are indentations between adjacent sections of myelin sheath that allow for saltatory conduction Nodes of Ranvier Game
$300 Cells of Nervous System 1 This white, fatty, and segmented substance surrounds the axon of neurons and helps speed up nerve impulses Myelin Sheath Game
$400 Cells of Nervous System 1 This cell connects a nerve to a nearby blood vessel and ensures an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen to the nerve Astrocytes Game
$500 Cells of Nervous System 1 These cells scavenge among neurons and destroy microbes that could cause disease Microglia Game
$100 Cells of Nervous System 2 These transmit nerve messages from the muscles or sensory receptors towards the central nervous system Sensory Neurons Game
$200 Cells of Nervous System 2 These cells are the primary producers of myelin sheath that forms around the axon of a neuron Schwaan Cells Game
$300 Cells of Nervous System 2 This is the part of a neuron that carries messages away from the cell body of a neuron Axon Game
$400 Cells of Nervous System 2 These transmit nerve messages from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands of the body Motor Neurons Game
$500 Cells of Nervous System 2 This cell produces myelin and helps hold the nerve fibers of a nerve together Oligodendrocytes Game
$100 Synapse These carry neurotransmitters toward the pre-synaptic membrane at the synapse Vesicles Game
$200 Synapse These are chemicals that help conduct nerve messages from one neuron to the next Neurotransmitters Game
$300 Synapse Synaptic Cleft In order for neurotransmitters to reach the post-synaptic membrane, they must first cross this Synaptic Cleft Game
What 2 simultaneous events cause neurotransmitters to be released $400 Synapse What 2 simultaneous events cause neurotransmitters to be released Nerve Impulse + Ca2+ Game
Depolarization, nerve impulse propagation, relaying message $500 Synapse What affect do the neurotransmitters have on the post-synaptic cell when they attach to the protein receptor Depolarization, nerve impulse propagation, relaying message Game
Cerebrum (cerebral cortex) $100 Brain The part is interconnected with all areas of the brain, controls consciousness and is allows memory and thinking in humans Cerebrum (cerebral cortex) Game
This part controls normal movements, balance, and coordination $200 Brain This part controls normal movements, balance, and coordination Cerebellum Game
Interprets sensations; arousal, alerting mechanism $300 Brain Interprets sensations; arousal, alerting mechanism Thalamus Game
$400 Brain This part regulates the heartbeat, blood vessel diameter, and respiration Medulla Game
$500 Brain This part has tremendous control over body functions through hormones; affects every cell in the body Hypothalamus Game
$100 Nerve Impulse More Na+ on outside, less K+ on inside At rest, a neuron is said to be polarized because it has these concentrations of these ions More Na+ on outside, less K+ on inside Game
The resting membrane potential of a neuron is $200 Nerve Impulse The resting membrane potential of a neuron is -70mV Game
$300 Nerve Impulse When a neuron reaches its threshold of -50mV, it’s said to generate one of these Action potential Game
$400 Nerve Impulse After an action potential is generated, the Na/K gates quickly shut causing this to happen Repolarization Game
$500 Nerve Impulse In order for an action potential to take place, Na+ gates must open allowing this to happen Rapid depolarization Game
This system consists of the brain and spinal cord $100 The Systems This system consists of the brain and spinal cord The Central Nervous System Game
$200 The Systems This system consists of motor neurons that regulate the body’s automatic or involuntary functions Autonomic Nervous System Game
This system contains series of cranial nerves and spinal nerves $300 The Systems This system contains series of cranial nerves and spinal nerves Peripheral Nervous System Game
$400 The Systems Sympathetic Nervous System This system serves as the emergency system of the body, controlling strong emotions and controls most organs of the body Sympathetic Nervous System Game
$500 The Systems This system dominates control of many visceral effectors under normal, everyday conditions Parasympathetic Nervous System Game