AMSA January 31, 2017
Dues $25 for the semester Cash or Check (AMSA) Due TODAY To set up time THIS WEEK email
Coffee Talks The Competitive Pre-Medical Studies Group is welcoming students in their 3rd to 4th year of undergrad and planning to apply to medical school,to join Dr. Strozier, an OB/GYN at St. Francis, for physician coffee talks, where a couple of students and a physician meet for about an hour, as well as a brief shadowing experience during the spring semester. If you are interested in meeting a physician for coffee and/or would like to participate in the shadowing experience in the spring semester, please email:
Our new treasurer for the Spring Semester is Daezha Brooks Congratulations!
Volunteer Opportunities
Go Red for Heart Health Friday February 3rd Wear RED for Women’s Heart Health Day To increase awareness of heart health, we encourage you to wear a red shirt, dress, scarf, etc.!
Cookies & Condoms: Round Two Valentine’s Day Feb. 14th CCT Lobby 11 AM - 1 PM Stay safe during Valentine’s Day Cookies = $1 Condoms = free Sign up to bake or to sell (Google sheet will be sent out this week)
Science Olympiad February 25 Three shifts: Friday Feb. 24 1-5pm Saturday Feb. 25 7:30 AM- 11 AM Saturday Feb. 25 11 AM - 4 PM Sign up on Google Sheet (we will send out this week)
Associate Professor, Health Science Department Speaker Tiffany Taylor, PA Cardiology Associate Professor, Health Science Department
Next Meeting NEXT WEEK February 7, 2017 12:20-1:20 Stanley 209B
Meetings February 7 February 21 March 7 April 4 April 18 12:20- 1:20 Stanley 209B