2-4-29 Bando Yura 2-4-39 Wakasa Mai Evaluation 2-4-29 Bando Yura 2-4-39 Wakasa Mai
Evaluation Testing Generalizations Developing Criteria Judging Accuracy
Testing generalizations
Testing generalizations The child is made aware that generalizations should only be made when all the facts fit, not from consideration of just a few cases.
Testing generalizations The child is made aware that generalizations should only be made when all the facts fit, not from consideration of just a few cases.
Developing criteria
Developing criteria Look for characteristics in the whole. Examine sets of items and find characteristics they share and do not share based on certain guidelines.
Developing criteria Look for characteristics in the whole. Examine sets of items and find characteristics they share and do not share based on certain guidelines.
Judging accuracy
Judging accuracy Knowing when to conclude ‘this is most likely correct ’, ‘this is most likely incorrect’ or ‘I don’t have sufficient information to make a judgment’.
Judging accuracy Knowing when to conclude ‘this is most likely correct ’, ‘this is most likely incorrect’ or ‘I don’t have sufficient information to make a judgment’.
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