Patrick Henry High School TARDY POLICY Patrick Henry High School
Tardy - You are tardy if you arrive AFTER the tardy bell - For three tardies, the teacher calls home to parents - For four tardies and after, a tardy referral will be written
Tardy Referral - At the fourth tardy, tardy referrals will be written by the teacher and the student will be sent to their hall office - Students will be assigned ISS after reporting to their hall office - 8 total tardies: Mr. Hetherington will schedule a student support meeting with student, parents, administrator, and possibly guidance counselor
Skipping - Five minutes after the tardy bell is considered skipping - Students who show up after the five minutes will be given a skipping referral (which is on the tardy referral) - Student will report to the hall office and then be sent to ISS for the remainder of the block
Hall Sweeps - Periodic hall sweeps will take place - Duty people and administration will move students skipping to ISS for the remainder of the block
20/20 Rule A1 and B1 no passes during the first 20 minutes or the last 20 minutes A2 and B2 no pass period A3 and B3 no passes during the first 20 minutes or the last 20 minutes Bridge no pass period