Agenda (for me) TED Talk Tuesday: ATSS – Discuss Chaps. 10-15 Short Story (Research Paper) small group discussions HW: Solidify your Short story selection
Reminders – 3-26-19 ATSS Chaps. 10-15 – due today Next ATSS Quiz, Part 2 – Friday, 3/29 Have you completed your FlipGrid book talk yet? Remember that your Pre-Outline and Short Story selection is due Friday…
TED Talk Thursday – Love Letters to Strangers As you watch this talk, consider and respond to the following questions: When she says “love letter” it is clear that she does not mean romantic love. What does she mean? What does the Love Letters movement reveal about the human experience/condition? Do you remember ever getting a letter? What did it say/who was it from? AND/OR If you’ve never received a letter, think about someone in your life who might need a love letter. Start that letter…
ATSS – Discussion Questions The beginning of Mariam’s marriage to Rasheed seems to promise happiness. What are signs that this may be short lived? How does Rasheed feel about the westernization of Afghanistan? What shows his ambivalence? What are Rasheed’s reasons for making Mariam wear a burqa and what do they tell us about his ideas about his role as a husband and man and his expectations for Mariam? Mariam learns some of her husband’s history when she looks inside the drawers in his room. Why does she rationalize about what she sees? Why does Rasheed want a boy? How might life have been different for the family if Mariam could have had a baby? Why does Rasheed become abusive?
Short Story Groups When you are not in a discussion group with Dr. Spruill, you should be reading/re-reading, annotating, brainstorming, discussing, etc. your short story selection. Remember that your thesis and claims ideas due Friday via One Drive.