MKT 450 Strategic Management Mishari Alnahedh
EXAM 1 Results
Exam 1: Major Comments Class attendance is HIGHLY correlated with grades Simply copying from notes does not always work Write in Arabic if necessary Check the exam solutions before disputing your grade This exam is wroth 20% of your final course grade
20.5 4.5 12.65 63% Highest Score: Lowest Score: Class Average: Exam Statistics Highest Score: 20.5 Lowest Score: 4.5 Class Average: 12.65 63% Number of students who got full points for each question Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7a Q7b 6 13 12 25 32 7 3
Exam Statistics Grade Distribution
Exam Statistics Curve 2 Points
22.5 6.5 14.65 73% Highest Score: Lowest Score: Class Average: Exam Statistics Highest Score: 22.5 Lowest Score: 6.5 Class Average: 14.65 73% Number of students who got full points for each question Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7a Q7b 6 13 12 25 32 7 3
Exam Statistics Grade Distribution
Final Remarks If you did well: Congratulations! Keep up the good work If you did not do well: - Start attending class - Take the class seriously - If you have already done that, please see me The class will NOT get easier. We will delve into more complex topics.
Exam Disputes Appeal ONLY if you have grounds to appeal your grade No dispute over bonus questions You have two days to appeal your grade Procedure: send me an email with a written appeal, specifying the exam question number and the details of the dispute. If the dispute is not about grade calculation error, then I will re-grade the disputed question as well as the entire exam.
Exam Statistics Grade Cutoffs A - 18 B - 16 C - 13.5 D - 12