Parliamentary Presentation Strategic Plan and APP 2013/2014 5June 2013
TABLE OF CONTENTS Strategic Plan Overview Unaudited Highlights for achievements for FY 2012/13 APP 2013/2014 Highlights of Activities to be undertaken
OVERVIEW STRATPLAN The Commission is now in the its 3rd year of the Strategic Plan. The Vision, Mission and values have remained the same The Approved structure has been improved with an additional position to be located in the Chairperson’s office ( Manager in the Chairperson’s office) For this current year the Commission will be focusing on M & E approach rather than focusing on performance driven approach. An M& E framework will be put in place to ensure impact assessment occurs
CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE The Commission for gender equality must promote respect for gender equality and the protection, development and attainment of gender equality. Additional Powers and Functions prescribed by National legislation S11 (1) of the CGE Act 39 of 1996 Monitor Investigate Research Educate Lobby Advise Parliament and report on issues concerning gender equality
CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE Monitor compliance to Regional & International Conventions Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000 (PEPUDA) Assist complainants in instituting proceedings in the Equality Court conduct investigations and make recommendations regarding persistent contraventions of PEPUDA
CONSTITUTIONAL OBLIGATION The Bill of Rights in the Constitution enshrines the rights of all people to the democratic values of human dignity, equality and freedom; and the State must respect, protect, promote and fulfil these rights. The CGE’s obligation to strengthen constitutional democracy is the attainment of gender equality
VISION and MISSION Vision Mission A society free from all forms of gender oppression and inequality Mission Monitor, evaluate and make recommendations on policies of the public and private sector Information and educational programmes Evaluate and make recommendations on legislation affecting the status of women Investigate, resolve and rectify gender issues Collaborate with government and civil society Monitor and report on international conventions
COMMISSIONERS New Commissioners appointed Confirmation of Strategic Objectives Review and prioritisation of Annual Performance Plan Monitoring enhanced to promote effective implementation Improve visibility of CGE
THE UNDER DEVELOPMENT AND INEQUALITY OF THE FEMALE GENDER IN SA REMAINS female unemployment female poverty female rural population gender-based violence female illiteracy teenage pregnancy female HIV/Aids infection higher levels of income poverty, illiteracy and unemployment; unequal access to land, financial services and agricultural extension services; extensive gender-based violence; vulnerability to HIV infection and burden of caring for those living with AIDS; inadequate access to basic services such as sanitation, water and electricity; discrimination in the workplace
WEAKNESSES REMAIN IN Implementation of enabling policy Gender responsive budgeting Gender Mainstreaming Establishment of normative and policy framework for gender equality Gender differences in decision making and employment Impact of globalization on gender discrimination Use of social networks as agents of change Bringing gender equality into formal institutions and policies Then adjust list to read: Significant failures in implementation of enabling legislation and policy provisions; inadequate coordination of and funding for measures to address gender inequality and GBV; failure to ensure gender mainstreaming of policy and implementation; lack of gender responsive budgeting; inadequate measures to locate accountability for gender transformation at leadership levels, anchored in performance management; inadequate measures to transform patriarchal and conservative responses by officials, further deepening inequality and discrimination; inadequate measure to work with community stakeholders to bring about shift in mindsets, attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate inequality and abuse
CHALLENGES TO GENDER EQUALITY REMAIN IN 50/50 legislative processes Impact of services on gender; water, land Elimination of traditional gender-based discriminatory practices Elimination of gender-based violence
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective 1 To ensure the creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of gender equality Strategic Objective 2 To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress
Strategic Objective 3 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES To monitor state compliance with regional and international conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the objects of the Commission Strategic Objective 4 To build an effective, efficient, visible and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality
COMMISSIONERS OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES Governance Oversight Committees by Commissioners Legal and Complaints Research and Education Strategic Planning, Annual Report and M&E Human Resources Audit Finance Information Technology and Communications Good Governance The Thematic areas house the different strategic objectives 14
SECTION 6 COMMITTEE The Commission has further established one Section Six Committee that will focus on the following areas to inform programmes:- Economic Empowerment Gender Equality and Substantive equality of women National Gender Machinery Gender Equality and Health Gender Based Violence Culture, Religion and Tradition
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 SUB-STRATEGIES To ensure the creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of gender equality. 1. To monitor and evaluate the promotion of gender equality and any relevant policies and practices of the public and private sector and report to Parliament 2. To initiate and review for the improvement of the legislative framework in all spheres of government that impact on priority areas of gender equality 3. To conduct periodic performance assessments of priority Ministries, State institutions, Government departments, political parties and the private sector, on the implementation of applicable legislation and policies that impact on gender equality 4. To evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the national justice facilities for gender discrimination 5. Replaced with Sub-strategy 6 6. To convene direct dialogues with relevant policy makers at national and provincial level on recommendations to promote gender equality contained in research reports and research activities
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2 SUB-STRATEGIES 1. To timeously investigate complaints of violations of gender rights and identify appropriate redress 2. To Initiate investigations of systemic violations of gender rights in the public and private sector and identify appropriate redress To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. 3. To initiate the development of a coordinated programme to eliminate gender discrimination
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3 SUB-STRATEGIES To monitor state compliance with regional and international conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the object of the Commission for Gender Equality 1. To conduct annual reviews and audits of state compliance with obligations under the conventions, covenants and charters and to report an a regular basis to Parliament and the Office of the Speaker of Parliament 2. To interact with and report to national, regional and international bodies on state compliance with conventions, covenants and charters acceded to or ratified and to make recommendations for improvements
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4 SUB-STRATEGIES To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality 1. To create a well-defined governance structure for effective oversight by the Commissioners over the Chief Executive Officer, with clear roles, responsibilities and a delegation framework 2. To develop a financial management strategy that consistently delivers an unqualified audit 3. To develop and maintain an IT infrastructure that supports the organisational objectives of the CGE 4. To develop a comprehensive HR Strategy that aspires to address all HR related matters in a coordinated fashion 5. To develop a long term funding model for the CGE that includes funding from the National treasury and donor agencies 6. To develop a coherent communications strategy that promotes a positive public image of the CGE
ACHIEVEMENTS ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2012-2013 Overall 75% of targets of total planned targets were achieved. It must be noted that this is not an audited percentage at this stage. Research The department has finalised a number of research reports that have informed some of the activities that will be focused on in the new financial year: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Victims Charter Gender Barometer Monitoring and Evaluation of the 365 days programme to eliminate violence against women and child abuse Policy Dialogues The outcomes for these reports will form a basis of some of the planned engagements for the current financial year
ACHIEVEMENTS ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2012-2013 Legal Employment Equity Hearings (gender transformation in the workplace) and reports Parliamentary Submissions on legislation Litigation Complaints management Court monitoring Monitoring compliance with international instruments- BFA, CEDAW, SADC Protocol, AU Protocol Outreach strategy to increase the number of complaints and extend CGE services to rural communities CGE Complaints Hotline Public Education and Information Hosted dialogue with different stakeholders on Sex Work – basis that informed the current Position adopted by the Commission MOUs for Outreach and Partnerships Human Rights and Gender Equality calendar Activities Communication strategy – significant increase in media coverage
ACHIEVEMENTS ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2012-2013 Nature of Complaint GP LP WC MP NW FS KZN EC NC TOTAL Gender Discrimination 3 6 12 5 35 Domestic Violence 1 2 4 21 Maintenance 10 13 7 9 43 Divorce 22 Custody & access Estate 14 30 Gender Based Violence 23 Sexual Harassment Labour 31 41 Unlawful Eviction Claim for Restitution Tradition/ culture Others 16 15 17 97 Total 44 26 76 48 27 39 55 341
ACHIEVEMENTS ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2012-2013 The provinces with the highest incidents of gender violations are Free State, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, Kwa-Zulu Natal, and Eastern Cape
ACHIEVEMENTS ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2012-2013 In addition to cases opened for complaints received, there is a high number of matters that are addressed telephonically and via on-site consultations and interactions CONSULTATIONS 1st qtr 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 4th qtr TOTAL Gauteng 6 41 22 17 86 Limpopo 28 32 43 103 Western Cape 9 1 11 Mpumalanga 5 10 15 North West 4 2 Free State 14 8 48 Kwazulu- Natal 3 7 Eastern Cape 18 20 25 81 Northern Cape 12 46 122 114 108 390
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2013/2014: HIGHLIGHTS The targets for the year are more detailed in the Operational Plan Report published on the effectiveness of Gender Focal Persons (GFPs) in government departments National Gender Barometer Report on the status of gender policies and practices in the public and private sector AGDI Various engagements with stakeholders such as DOL, EEC, including Launching of Red Card campaign on compliance of EE in govt and private sector report and findings on the Assessment of Women in Political Participation and Representation Policy dialogues on Education, Victims Charter and Gender Barometer Conduct 108 Legal Clinics to generate complaints
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2013/2014: HIGHLIGHTS Public Education and Information will be holding coordinated programmes to promote gender equality which will focus on GBV schools education programme during the Youth month Women's Empowerment programme during the National Women’s Month 16 days Human rights and gender equality Engage with Religious and traditional leaders on gender equality issues Target 54 community radio stations and undertake gender education Joint coordinated programme conducted on LGBTI Engagement with SALGA on gender mainstreaming at Local sphere 50/50 engagements with different political parties GBV at tertiary institutions – policy research intiative
The Funding environment and related concerns The CGE funding for over 5 a year period remained at the same level despite increased mandate and public expectation on the Commission to perform at higher levels e.g. PEPUDA ( No additional funding was ever made) Increases that were ever made by the Fiscus were mainly for inflation adjustments and no additional funding requests were positively responded to: Numerous applications made via the MTEF process by the Secretariat of the CGE without success This situation limits the Commission to deliver on its legislated mandate