Enrico Scarlini INFN and University of Florence CERN 25-Oct-2005 Protective cover of glue on the bonding pad site on the back of the cms module, HV contact. Enrico Scarlini INFN and University of Florence CERN 25-Oct-2005
EPOTEK 87GT Best glue Epotek 87GT , epoxy type , Cure at 50-90 °C for 1 hour Mix the 2 parts in equal quantity Good electrical and mechanical characteristics, see the data sheet Feature: Does not spread The cost is medium not so high
ARALDITE RAPID Araldite rapid Ciba, epoxy 2 component like the other. Hardens at room temperature in 1 hour The spot of glue spreads during hardening Low cost
Positioning of the glue spot Manually with a sharp pointed tool under microscope (5 minutes for the operation). Otherwise with an automatic dispenser gantry like but in this case we must use normal araldite (AW101), not rapid.
Negative issues For 87GT a problem is the curing (minimum temperature: 50°c for 1 hour) For all it is impossible to repair without damaging the detector. The bonding jig must take into account this glue ball for up-face detector bonding
The two glues tried
Comparison between glues