Stage Span Infancy Newborn to toddler Childhood Toddler to teenager
46.1 – Describe some developmental changes in brain and motor abilities during infancy and childhood. Maturation: the growth of an organism that occurs on its own based on a predetermined timetable and without the aid of the environment.
46.1 – Describe some developmental changes in brain and motor abilities during infancy and childhood. Brain Development -from infancy on, brain and mind – neural hardware and cognitive software develop together. -on the day that you were born, you had the most brain cells you would ever have. -after birth, the branching neural networks eventually enabled you to walk, talk, and remember had a growth spurt. -from 3 to 6, the most rapid growth was in your frontal lobes, which enable rational planning. -the association areas – those linked with thinking, memory, and language – are the last cortical areas to develop. -a use-it-or-lose-it pruning process shuts down unused links and strengthens others.
46.1 – Describe some developmental changes in brain and motor abilities during infancy and childhood.
46.1 – Describe some developmental changes in brain and motor abilities during infancy and childhood. Motor Development – experience has little effect on this sequence – muscular and neural maturation is necessary Cephalocaudal Development The head develops before the arms & trunk The arms & trunk develop before the legs Proximodistal Development The head, trunk and arms develop before the hands & fingers ***Applies to both prenatal development AND development during the first two years
46.1 – Describe some developmental changes in brain and motor abilities during infancy and childhood. Motor Milestones Raising head & chest (2-4 months) Rolling over (2-5 months) Sitting up with support (4-6 months) Sitting up without support (6-7 months) Crawling (7-8 months) Walking (8-18 months)
46.2 – Describe how an infant’s developing brain begins processing memories. Brain Maturity and Memory The earliest age of conscious memory is around 3 years (infantile amnesia). A 5-year old has a sense of self and an increased long-term memory.