Properties Related to Health Effects 633 Activities in COST633 Particulate Matter: Properties Related to Health Effects 21 countries (GR, SI, AT, FI, ES, PT, UK, DK, NO, CH, DE, CZ, IT, PO, IS, IE, (SW) EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION - COST ACTION 633 Dessau, 27/04/07 TFMM meeting
Dockery et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 329, 1753 (1993) 633 Dockery et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 329, 1753 (1993) Dessau, 27/04/07 TFMM meeting
Can we understand such differences ? 633 City-specific estimates (95% CL) of relative risk for mortality per 10 μg/m3 increase in PM10 levels. 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.02 Athens Barcelona Basel Birmingham Budapest Krakow Erfurt Geneva Helsinki London Lyon Madrid Milan Paris Prague Rome Stockholm Tel Aviv Teplice Turin Zurich Le Tertre et al., Risk Analysis, 25, 711-718, 2005 Relative Risk Can we understand such differences ? Dessau, 27/04/07 TFMM meeting
COST 633 proposed to review existing knowledge on: WG1: aerosol data and instrumentation WG2: Health related issues of particles: Current understanding of PM health effects and needs for further information WG3: Emissions, source apportionment and integrated modeling Dessau, 27/04/07 TFMM meeting
1.2. Retrieve long-term changes in Europe’s aerosol characteristics 633 WG1 Objectives 1.1. Highlight similarities and differences in aerosol characteristics across Europe 1.2. Retrieve long-term changes in Europe’s aerosol characteristics 2.1. Describe possible artifacts in aerosol sampling 2.2. Assess current analytical techniques for measuring aerosol parameters relevant to health effects No data from Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, NL, Norway, Switzerland Dessau, 27/04/07 TFMM meeting
633 No data from Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, NL, Norway, Switzerland Dessau, 27/04/07 TFMM meeting
633 No data from Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, NL, Norway, Switzerland Dessau, 27/04/07 TFMM meeting
633 No data from Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, NL, Norway, Switzerland Dessau, 27/04/07 TFMM meeting
COST 633 Milestones COST633 special event involving stake holders Lausanne, 16-17 May 2007 2. European Aerosol Conference, Sept. 2007, Salzburg: COST633 special session 3. COST 633 term: Nov. 2007 (except if extension granted) 4. Final report delivery: early 2008 5. Review papers in J. Aeros. Sci…. No data from Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, NL, Norway, Switzerland Dessau, 27/04/07 TFMM meeting