Genius Hour What is it? Why have it? Guidelines
What is Genius Hour? Genius Hour is an enquiry-based learning process. As a student-directed learning model, it is intended to give students the opportunity to explore their own interests while developing their knowledge, skills and understanding. The idea for Genius Hour was originally started by Google, in which it allowed its engineers to spend 20% of their work time on their own passion projects. Many of Google’s services such as Gmail and Google News are thanks to its policy of having Genius Hour.
2. Why have a Genius Hour? By allowing time for students to study topics they are curious about, Genius Hour can be seen to encourage students’ creativity and motivation, while paving the way for them to become lifelong learners. The workshop style of Genius Hour, in which collaboration is encouraged, should also benefit students’ social skills and confidence.
3. Genius Hour Guidelines There are five key steps for students to follow: 1. Pick a topic. 2. Develop an enquiry question. 3. Do the research. 4. Present what you have learnt. 5. Reflect.
1. Pick a topic. Communication Health Animals Environment People Machines Plants Space Sound Sport Transport Or, something else...
2. Develop an enquiry question. How is a computer game like Minecraft made? What does a mars rover do? How do rockets work? Why did the dinosaurs go extinct? Does music affect how we feel? Examples... Top tip: The best enquiry questions cannot be answered by a simple search on Google!
3. Do the research. Top tip: Look at several different sources such as websites and books, to find out as much information as you can to help you answer your question.
4. Present what you have learnt. Some possible ways to do this: Create a Google Site Make a video Write an essay Make a Google Slide presentation Produce a “how to” instruction manual Top tip: If you use images or music in your presentation, make sure this is credited to the owner and free from copyright restrictions.
5. Reflect. A good reflection should answer these questions: What went well? What did you learn? What would you do differently? How would you like to build on your learning of this topic?