State-of -play of the extension of the European statistical programme (ESP) 2013-17 Christine Kormann Eurostat Task Force Integrated Planning ESS RDG 16 December 2015
Context of the extension to 2018-2020 • ESS Vision 2020: ESP will be the key legislative instrument for implementing and funding the Vision • Evolution of user needs- 10 priorities of the Commission • Resource constraints of statistical producers in Member States and Eurostat
Roadmap overview – adoption of the programme (by end 2017)
What has been done? Conference of European statistics stakeholders: Nov. 2014 Collect needs of DGs: March-April 2015 First analysis of user needs: May 2015 First discussion Directors Groups: June 2015 Written consultation of Directors Groups: July 2015 Public consultation (July- October) ESSC consulted on 25 September on the legal act and annex
Impact Assessment The impact of 3 options are analysed Option 1: "no change" policy - same European statistical programme extended for 3 years Option 2: Extension of the current European statistical programme with adaptations with lower, stable or higher budget Option 3: Two statistical programmes jointly proposed (separate modernisation)
Consultation RDG summer 2015 In particular on the impact of option 2: Extension of the current ESP with adaptations with lower, stable or higher budget The impact may be different on the implementation of objective I (statistical outputs) and objective II (modernisation) 13 replies
Consultation RDG summer 2015 Option 2A: Extension of the current ESP with adaptations with lower budget Several countries would be able to meet most of the requirements within the Objective I, while some countries mention that Objective I would be endangered taking into account budget cuts at national level. For all MS requirements related to the Objective II would be met much less than expected. For some countries, no modernisation project could be taken up.
Consultation RDG summer 2015 Option 2B: Extension of the current ESP with adaptations with stable budget Several MS would be able to meet most of the requirements within the Objective I. Others underline the need to re- prioritise current statistical outputs, as new statistics need to be developed. Activities related to implementation of the Vision 2020 would be postponed without sufficient budgetary support. Innovation requires additional financial investments (methodology, adaptation and matching of IT tools, training, etc.).
Consultation RDG summer 2015 Option 2C: Extension of the current ESP with adaptations with higher budget Preferred option of most MS. It is relevant for the future demands by politics and society. Need to finance projects responding to new challenges faced by European statistics, implementation of ESS Vision 2020, big data, strengthening the European statistical infrastructure, new solutions for FRIBS, agricultural census. One MS raised the issue of co-financing: higher budget implies higher investment from the NSIs.
Consultation RDG summer 2015 Other remarks: One MS underlined that, as regards the European statistical infrastructure, the most important question is how to implement such a solution into various individual sophisticated national systems. The issue of grants from small countries was raised. For a small NSI the distribution of funding and more effective utilization of funding are of greater importance than an increase in the total budget, unless this increase is a very significant one allowing for a different approach to EU projects altogether.
Roadmap – next steps Finalisation of the Impact Assessment ESSC February 2016 Adoption of the Commission proposal planned April-May 2016