Panasonic KX-TGP600 IP Phone Quick User’s Reference Guide Commonly Used Features Voicemail: [HOLD/MSG] + Select Line with Envelop button on the left-side, or Dial *1 Redial last number: [FUNC] then 1 Blind Transfer: [Blind] + ext or number + [Call] Attended Transfer: [XFER/CLR] + ext. or number + [Call] (then wait for the call to be answered) then [XFER/CLR] Call direct to voicemail: 1 + ext Page extension: 2 + ext Park call: While you are on the call, press [FUNC] then 9 (or choose Call Park). Here the parking lot, and HANGUP. Unpark call: Dial the park number 700-799 Pickup incoming call: Dial ** (even when phone is not ringing) Call Forwarding: *72 + number Cancel Call Forwarding: *73