6.2 Analytical categories Doc.A6465/17/04 6.2 Analytical categories Working Group on Articles A64 and A65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 28+29 March 2017
Content of this presentation Reminder of dissemination policy Present the 2016 results Staff Pensioners Proposal
Dissemination of detailed results Initial agreement at March 2015 meeting of WG Legal framework and practical constraints were reviewed Proposal to harmonise dissemination level with ECP+HICP Timing: after publication of each annual Eurostat Report Doc.A6465/15/02rev: 2013+2014 PPP for Staff March 2016 meeting of WG suggested to expand content, implemented in doc.A6465/16/04rev STF: weight 2015 + PPP 2015 + PPP change % PEN: weight 2015 + PPP 2015 + PPP change %
Now present the 2016 results The current text re-implements the WG decision for the July 2016 exercise Exp.Wgt. @ July 2016 ( ‰ ) PPP @ July 2016 (€ 1 = ???) % movement from PPP @ July 2015 (a) For Intra-EU active staff (BXL=1) EU 28 capitals + Varese, Culham, Bonn, Karlsruhe, Munich (b) For Pensioners (BE=1) EU 28 Member States
Proposal Context: transparency Prepare the text sooner, at the latest by 15 December (rather than wait for A6465WG) Publish the text on Dedicated Section
Thank you for your attention!