Q2: Write an example of how you would use the scientific method of inquiry to decide why this plant wouldn’t grow.
Objective: I understand the scientific method of inquiry.
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ask a Question????? Scientific Inquiry Do some Research Create hypothesis Do an experiment Notes: 10 minutes 85 minutes Analyze data Make a Conclusion
Let's Put That To Music Scientific method 6 minutes 90 minutes
Vocabulary Flash Cards Vocabulary word Definition Example Picture
Physical Science is any of the natural sciences dealing with inanimate matter or with energy, as physics, chemistry, and astronomy. This branch of science is primarily concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy and include topics such as mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms. It also includes chemistry which is the branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed; the investigation of their properties and the ways in which they interact, combine, and change; and the use of these processes to form new substances.
Safety Precautions: Safety Glasses Glassware Spills Follow instructions Clean-up procedures
Roles: Measurer Cutter Chemical Handler Scribe Clean up
Safety Precautions: Safety Glasses Glassware Spills Follow instructions Clean-up procedures
1. Observe the liquid in the beaker 1. Observe the liquid in the beaker. Record your observations in your notes. CAUTION: do not touch or taste Inquiry Activity as Demonstration Page 1 of book.
2. Use scissors and the ruler to cut a 5 cm square of aluminum foil.
3. Loosely crumple the aluminum foil and drop into the liquid.
4. Use a stirring rod to push the foil below the surface of the liquid 4. Use a stirring rod to push the foil below the surface of the liquid. Observe and record any changes that occur in the liquid and the foil.
5. Write three questions about the materials or the changes you observed.
6. What could you do with the same or other materials to answer one of your questions?
Clean Up. Liquid and used foil go in the large beaker in the front of the room Wash all glassware with soap & dry Return all materials to tub and place on front table Thoroughly wash & dry your work space
Ask A Question Scientific Inquiry Do some Research Create hypothesis Do an experiment Explain pencil means to write down in notes Analyze data Make a Conclusion