Empathetic Listening Copyright © 2006-2007 The Beyond Intractability Project Beyond Intractability is a Registered Trademark of the University of Colorado
Empathetic Listening… Slide 2: Empathetic Listening… is a way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding and trust. Benefits of Empathetic Listening: Builds trust and respect Allows for emotional release Reduces tensions Uncovers “hidden” information Creates a safe environment Helps clarify parties’ thoughts Aids understanding of context
How to Listen Empathetically Empathetic Listening Slide 3: How to Listen Empathetically Actively attempt to understand the Other’s point of view Take in information without passing judgment Acknowledge the speaker Model empathetic practices Create a trusting environment Allow the expression of emotion and sharing of problems
Create a positive atmosphere Empathetic Listening Slide 4: Specific things to DO: Be attentive Be interested Be alert Create a positive atmosphere Allow the Other to bounce ideas off of you Indicate you are listening Reflect your understanding back to the speaker
Specific things to Avoid DON’T Change the subject Empathetic Listening Slide 5: Specific things to Avoid DON’T Change the subject Discount the speakers’ feelings Let the speaker “hook” you into an emotional exchange Interrupt Give advice Interrogate