Class of 2020
Registration Packet What’s Included: Junior Registration Information Course Registration Card Electives Course Numbers Online Summer GLC Appointment GLC News and Notes
Junior Registration Information
Course Registration Card
How to fill out Electives section All Juniors must select 2 elective classes AND two alternates for each class. 1. Foreign Language-Level II or higher, you DO NOT need an Alternate for this class. 2. LIST class (Concert Band, Advanced Drama-courses for which you auditioned) you DO NOT need Alternate for this class. 3. Make sure that you meet the Pre-Requisite(s) for the class and the Alternate If you are choosing science as one of your electives: 1. You may choose any AP science (AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics 1, AP Physics C) as long as you earned at least a B in regular chemistry or a C in Chemistry Honors. 2. The Alternate for AP science is any of the other AP sciences listed above or any elective 3. Regular Physics is NOT an option for junior year! If you are choosing a one-semester course as one of your electives: 1. You must choose another semester class for the second semester, or you must choose the same class twice. Example: You want to take Woodshop for the year (2 semesters) Elective Choice #1: Woodshop/Woodshop Alternate: Fundamental of Graphics/Fundamental of Graphics Alternate: Fundamentals of Art
DBHS Elective Courses
11th Grade Course Numbers
Summer GLC Registration First email sent on 2/23 to Register for Appointments from March 20th @ 4pm to 22nd @ 8am Registration Appointments: July 9th through August 3rd
GLC News and Notes Summer school 6/11-7/19 Remind SAT/ACT GLC sign up Online Student sign up Non-Tuition – 2/21 to 3/6 Tuition (D2L) – 3/5 to 3/16 SAT/ACT PSAT – Fall of 11th grade (October) Remind Recent messages Parchment (Transcripts) Summer School
Parchment (Transcripts) What is Parchment Location on website ROUGH college predictor Enter the following: Test Scores GPA both weighted and unweighted Info about extracurricular involvement
School Safety