Saturday, May 6, 2017, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. GWRRA Maryland B FUN DAY/GATHERING Bike Games MOTORCYCLE RODEO Sign Up: 10 a.m. Sign Up ENDS: 1:30 p.m. LOCATION Temple Hill Elk Lodge 7350 Temple Hill Road Temple Hills, MD 20748 People Games Saturday, May 6, 2017, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. * $17 Registration due by April 15, 2017 * $17 x = $ Total The registration cost covers one (1) complete meal with a beverage. Check Payable: GWRRA MD-B Mail to: Kenneth Trass, MD-B Treasurer, 808 Jackson Court, Bowie MD 20721 For questions contact: Charles Dorsey, Chapter Director at 301.843.7721 REGISTRATION (Please Print) Rider GWRRA # Exp. Date Co-Rider GWRRA # Exp. Date Address City State Zip District/Chapter/Club/Position Rider Email Phone # Co-Rider Email Phone # *********************************************************************************************************** LIABILITY RELEASE: I/We agree to hold harmless the GWRRA, co-sponsoring organization, and any property owners for any loss or injury to self or property in which I/we may become involved by reason of participation in this event. I/We also agree to assume responsibility for any property that I/we knowingly damage. MUST SIGN BELOW: Rider/Date Co-Rider/Date