SECME Indy Banana Car
Can Your Car Securely Transport the Banana?
This is not a Banana Car.
Indy Banana Car Challenge Guidelines 1.The car must be made by the student only. 2.The car should be fully assembled by the student prior to the event. 3.The car must have a body to carry the banana safely. The car must securely transport the banana the entire way. 4.Students may only use the wheels and axles from a store bought car. 5.The car must have a way to hook to the launcher. The car needs a hook at the bottom, to attach the launchers rubberband. 6.Seat belts and decorations are optional. Evaluation The car will not be pushed. It will be propelled by the launcher (provided). Distance is measured by the forward progression from where the car starts, to where the banana stops.
Pictures of Indy Banana Car Launcher attaches to the bottom of the car. The bottom of the Banana Car Launcher Bottom of Banana Car Launcher Connect Rubber Band from Launcher Wow!
Make sure you have something to connect your Banana Car to the launching devices rubber band.