WCIT12 Update Planning & International Relations Department National Telecommunications Corporation (NTC) Khartoum - Sudan
This Presentation Contains: A Brief Account on ITRs, ITRs Sticky Issues, Update on the ITRs Sticky issues, 5/11/2019
About ITRs The International Telecommunications Regulations (ITRs) are Articles of the ITR Treaty The ITR Treaty was adopted by ITU member states in the World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference (WATTC) held in Melbourne, 1988 The ITR Treaty came into force on 1 July 1990 at 0001 hours UTC, replacing the Telegraph Regulations (Geneva, 1973) and the Telephone Regulations (Geneva, 1973), and since then it has not been modified. 5/11/2019
purpose of ITR Treaty Establishment of general principles related to international telecommunication services provision and their transport means. Facilitation of global interconnection and interoperability of telecommunication facilities. Promotion of harmonious development and efficient operation of technical facilities, Provision of efficient, useful and continued international telecommunication services. 5/11/2019
WCIT The World Conference on International Telecommunications provides a forum for the member states to cooperate in the following domains for the improvement and rational use of telecommunications : A technical domain: to promote the development, efficient operation, usefulness and general availability of telecommunication facilities and services. A development domain: to promote the development of telecommunications in developing countries and the extension of the benefits of telecommunications to people everywhere. A policy domain: to promote the adoption of a broader approach to telecommunication issues in the global information economy and society. 5/11/2019
ITR Treaty Sticky Issues Internet Governance (IG), Calling Line Identification (CLI), Confidence and Security of Telecommunications/ICTs, Technology Neutrality, Charging and Accounting – Double Taxation , Access & QoS . 5/11/2019
Technology Neutrality ITRs Treaty Sticky Issues ITRs Security & Confidence Access & QoS Technology Neutrality CLI Internet Governance Charging & Accounting 5/11/2019
Update on the ITRs Treaty Sticky Issues 5/11/2019
Internet Governance (IG) Resolution 102 (Rev. Antalya, 2006) on ITU’s role with regard to international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet and the management of Internet resources, including domain names and addresses, The World Telecommunications Policy Forum of year 2009 (WTPF2009) stated clearly in its Opinion.1 (Internet-related public policy matters) the importance of the international internet connectivity which should be managed by a UN organization specialized in Telecommunications /ICT, 5/11/2019
Internet Governance (IG) In their proposal for revision of ITRs ITU Member states from developing countries are supporting the referencing to IG issues clearly in the ITRs as they complement CS & CV of the ITU, Operating Agencies & Member states from developed countries are not supporting any referencing of any kind of words or phrases to issues related to internet, Some organizations such as IETF, IEEE, Intel Corporation and W3C support standardization of the internet based on open but market based standard instead of a technical standard based on ITU-T recommendation. 5/11/2019
Calling Line Identification (CLI) ITU member states from developing countries are concerned about delivery of the CLI for the purpose of protecting their end users, Operating Agencies & Member states from developed countries reject the proposal supporting the delivery of CLI, claiming that it is difficult to implement in IP-based networks, The issue is a subject of debate ! 5/11/2019
Confidence / Security of Telecommunications/ICTs Confidence and Security in the use of ICTs have become critical issues to be dealt with under the revised ITRs. A new article of the ITRs on Security of Telecom. /ICTs is proposed by the Arab Group to: -Define appropriate measures e.g . standards, legislations, policies, initiatives, etc. by the Member States, -Enforce such measures to the extent practicable and -Cooperate globally in order to resolve security breaches Developed countries don't support this proposal as they think internal policy and local government should take these issues into their consideration . 5/11/2019
Technology Neutrality Technology Neutrality means that different technologies offering essentially similar services should be regulated in similar manners. from regulation point of view, technologies offering similar services do not necessarily have similar features in all aspects, and exactly identical regulations may, therefore, result in the advantage of one technology over another in the market (technology regulation regime). Some regional group such as SAMENA Council support that the ITRS should be maintain based on technology neutrality on all its dimensions. the most proposal to new ITRs used this concept in all its articles. 5/11/2019
Charging and Accounting – Double Taxes Developing countries like the African Group support that accounting, transit and termination rates be based on mutual agreement and costs and to be established , revised and applied taking into account the ITU-T Recommendations, Some recognized/Operating agencies and developed countries propose that this article in ITRs must be deleted under the pretext that this not matter of government control and it’s a commercial issue and local authorities should not regulate it. Members states in cooperation with operating agencies see that the double taxes issue need to be revised . 5/11/2019
Access & QoS Some operating agencies and developed countries argue that setting technical performance such as QoS via mandatory standards are no longer appropriate in many cases, and may be harmful to many new services They also don't support any referencing to ITU-T recommendations (under the pretext that these recommendations hinder the development of Telecom. sector and are against the concept of affordable broadband access ). Proposal from developing countries especially the AU, Asia & Arab countries supports the referencing to some ITU-T recommendations related to QoS & Access in the new ITRs. 5/11/2019
Current situation Some sticky issues remain under debate between the developed countries, operating agencies on one side and developing countries on the other side. For more information please visit: http://www.itu.int/en/wcit-12/Pages/default.aspx 5/11/2019
Commitment to (new) ITRs Model under this debatable situation Security & Confidence Access & QoS Competition Commitment to (new) ITRs Innovation 5/11/2019
Thanks For more information on WCIT update you can visit: http://www.itu.int/en/wcit-12/Pages/default.aspx 5/11/2019