What are the most common ways we communicate? Spoken Word Visual Images Body Language Written Word
Communication As An Entire Behavioural Process Habit Mannerism Appearance Etiquette
Its not just what you say…but how you say it!
In a study of communication at the University of Pennsylvania in 1970 (Kinesics and Communication, R. Birdwhistle), the researchers determined that in communication, 7% of what we communicate is the result of the words that we say, or the content of our communication. 38% of our communication to others is a result of our verbal behaviour, which includes tone of voice, timbre, tempo, and volume. 55% of our communication to others is a result of our nonverbal communication, our body posture, breathing, skin colour and our movement. The match between our verbal and non-verbal communication indicates the level of congruency.
3 V’s Verbal - Speak & Write Non Verbal Voice “ ENERGY ”
Spoken Words All communication methods are important, but our emphasis will be upon the spoken word... since 70 % or all our communication efforts are: misunderstood, misinterpreted, rejected, disliked, distorted, or not heard (in the same language, same culture)!
Basic Telephone Etiquette UNTANGLE THE TANGLE Basic Telephone Etiquette
Differentiate in talking on the telephone & in person Improve Voice Quality Listen actively Paraphrase Hold & Mute Transfer Calls Take Messages Exhibit Telephone courtesy
GREET THE CALLER A greeting should always be the entry point of phone conversation. It indicates your friendliness and openness your willingness to provide quality service
GIVE YOUR NAME This basic act of courtesy lets the caller know that he or she has reached the correct person, department or company.
CALL STRUCTURE (OPENING) “Good Morning, This is <your first name>, How may I help you?”
ASK THE CUSTOMER IF YOU CAN HELP Saying “how may I help you?” completes the telephone answering etiquette by demonstrating that you and your company are ready and are available to assist the customer with his or her needs. It pays to write down the customer’s name and use it regularly in your conversation.
Answer the call in the Three Rings Remember…… Answer the call in the Three Rings Greet the caller Give your name Ask the customer if you can help
THE BODY OF THE CALL 1. Validate a Customer 2. Hold & Mute Procedure 3. Transfer a call
ACTIVE LISTENING Give the caller your undivided attention Actively Listen to the caller for both the content as well as the intent Avoid “Emotional Leakages” Avoid distractions Do one thing at a time
WHAT IS VERBAL FEEDBACK… Verbal feedback is a variety of short responses that lets the caller know that you’re listening and paying attention Verbal feedback responses include expressions like, “All Right”, “I Understand”, “I’m making a note of that right now”
How can we improve our listening & facilitation skills? SUMMARIZING Pulling together the main points of a speaker PARAPHRASING Restating what another has said in your own words QUESTIONING Asking relevant questions to help in better way and reduce errors
BARRIERS TO CONCENTRATION External Internal The mind can process information faster than most people talk The mind has a habit of wandering Pre-occupation
PRACTICES TO AVOID Avoid interrupting the customer. When you interrupt, it shows you do not care. Avoid speaking too fast, too slow. Avoid using Jargon
MESSAGES IN COMMUNICATION What You Want To Say What You Really Say What The Other Person Hears What The Other Person Thinks Is Heard What The Other Person Says About What You Said What You Think The Other Person Said About What You Said
Barriers To Communication Inattention Excessive Information Language Perception Fears Poor Listening Skill
NOTES Making notes is recommended. The human memory is not perfect Written notes give you a record of the customer’s name and message including correct spellings case reviews and accurate contact information Jotting notes during phone conversations will help you “Actively listen”.
PHRASEOLOGY SOME CASUAL WORDS Ya OK Sure One Sec Just a minute Who’s speaking??? I’ve no idea! SOME PROFESSIONAL WORDS Yes Sir, that’s right Sir Very well Sir, Certainly Sir Kindly hold on Sir, Let me check it for you Sir. If the call is for you, Who am I speaking to please OR Who’s calling please? If the call is for another person, Who shall I say is calling? OR Who shall I say called? Let me check and find out.
HOLD AND MUTE PROCEDURE WHY IS THIS IS IMPORTANT? If incorrectly used, it could lead to being rude, unprofessional and also affect the quality of the call.
HOLD AND MUTE PROCEDURES HOLD - Caller is aware of being on hold & will hear music MUTE - Caller will not hear anything, line will go blank & he/she may not be aware of being on hold
MUTE PROCEDURES Should only be used if the hold time is less or equal to 30 sec. For a short query when resource is close at hand. Clearing your throat, coughing or sneezing.
PERMISSION TO PUT ON HOLD Ask the customers if you may put them on hold Does anybody know I’m here Have I been forgotten Why is this taking so long Should I hang up #*%*# Because it is an inconvenience to your customers to be put on hold, you should always ask permission before putting them on hold. * Remember you don’t like to wait either.
WAIT FOR A RESPONSE “Can you hold---”click is a situation so common that customers might be surprised to see you waiting for a response. The second part of of putting someone on hold is to wait for a positive response from the customer’s side. As soon as the customer agrees to hold say “Thank You” before clicking the hold button.
TELL THE CUSTOMERS - ‘WHY’’ Most customers are very patient if they are politely informed as to why they must hold. They find it easier and comfortable to wait on hold if they have a mental picture of what’s the service associate doing while away from the phone. Be sure the information is pertinent.
GIVE A TIME FRAME Short (up to 60 seconds) - This will take a few moments Long (1-3 minutes) - This could take me 2 or 3 minutes to sort out. Would you like to hold or do you want me to call you back? Eternity (over 3 minutes) - Ask for a number to call him/ her back.
THANK THE CUSTOMER FOR HOLDING Saying “ Thank You for your patience” is very basic,good and common courtesy. This action nicely rounds off the on-hold sequence and acknowledges the caller’s understanding and patience.
TO SUMMARIZE… Ask the customers if you may put them on hold Tell the customers ‘Why’’ Give a time frame Wait for a response Thank the customer for holding
TRANSFERRING A CALL Sometimes you will not be able to solve the problem on the spot. Often you will need more information, or the call may have to be handled by another person.
Explain why the call is being transferred Ask if the customer minds being transferred Ensure someone is there to pick up the call before hanging up Tell the person to whom the call is getting transferred, the customer’s name and purpose of call
EXPLAIN CO-WORKER’S ABSENCE POSITIVELY Customers rarely want to hear gruesome details as to why the person they’re trying to reach is unavailable. Likewise your co-workers will not like their private lives discussed with customers. Use.. Jai isn’t available at the moment / Raj just stepped out / Nikita is in a meeting, May I help you?
TELEPHONE COURTESY Never be rude to a caller, no matter how nasty they are. Always remember to handle yourself in a professional manner. Use the ASAP technique: A:-Apologize and Acknowledge the callers feelings S: Don't Sympathize with the caller.Empathize A: Accept responsibility P: Prepare to Help.
HANDLING SWEARERS Making the caller aware of what he is saying will halt the swearing. For example “Sir, I can handle your problem, but I am not able to handle the swearing. I request that you stop.” Note:- 3 strikes and you are out rule.
KEY ACTIONS FOR ENDING THE CALL Repeat any action steps that you and the customer have agreed upon Ask the caller if you can do anything else for him/her. Thank the customer for calling and appreciate his effort and time. Let the caller hang up first. Write down any relevant information as soon as you get off the phone.
CLOSING THE CALL... You are welcome Sir/Madam Effective phrases for closing You are welcome Sir/Madam We appreciate your calling Thank You for calling Please call again Have a nice day. Acknowledge the details with thanks… and a
Thank You