4.14 More Work with Connotation Page 297 To analyze a poem for connotation To reinforce poetry analysis To write a style-analysis paragraph 4.14 More Work with Connotation Page 297
4.14, page 298 “In Response to Executive Order 9066: All Americans of Japanese Descent Must Report to Relocation Centers” Now that’s a long title! Make a prediction: What will this poem be about?
What do you know about Executive Order 9066? February 19, 1942 All Japanese Americans were forced to move to internment camps After Pearl Harbor (Dec. 1941)
Read the poem Identify the key ideas in each stanza Create a synthesis/summary statement for each stanza Example: first stanza A child/adolescent is willing to do as she is told. She is not exactly sure where she is going. Working in pairs, create synthesis statements for each stanza. What are some big ideas present in the poem? (war, friendship,… what else??) Create a theme statement. What is the poem saying about one or more of the big ideas?
Predictions: Were you right about your predictions? How does your knowledge of the poem illuminate the title? Format: How does the format of the poem – a letter– affect the poem? Who is the intended audience?
Format How does the format of the poem – a letter– affect the poem? Who is the intended audience?
Denotation & Connotation In the first stanza, what is the connotation of some of the words Love apples. She is talking about tomatoes, but maybe it’s more. Maybe she is saying that this forced evacuation cannot evacuate her love for her friend and family. What can you infer from words in other stanzas (what is their connotation)?
Analysis Paragraph What is the function of connotation in “In Response to Executive Order 9066”? Include TAG (Title, Author, Genre) Okita’s poem,“In Response to Executive Order 9066,” uses connotation to ______________. For example, _________________________. The effect is _____________________________.