Presented by Dr. Somnath Mukhopadhyay Dinabandhu Andrews College Overview Of Semesterised Choice Based Credit System To be introduced for B.A./B.Sc. Hons/General Courses from 2018-19 1 Presented by Dr. Somnath Mukhopadhyay Dinabandhu Andrews College
Calcutta University Notifications 2 Calcutta University Notifications
Introduction of Semesterised CBCS system UGC CU DAC 3 COLLEGE IMPLEMENTS CU FORMULATES UGC Directs
Discipline Specific Elective Ability Enhancement Courses 4 Course Nomenclature Hons/Gen Course **Core Courses Elective Courses *Generic Elective Discipline Specific Elective Skill Enhancement Courses Language Core Courses (For BA Gen only) LCC-1 English MIL (Including Alt. Engl) Ability Enhancement Courses EVS ** 14 Core Courses for Homs; **12 Core Courses for B.Sc. General **8 Core Courses for B.A. General *CC of General Course/ CC of one of the three main subject
Course Structure of B.Sc. And B.A. (Honours & General) Course Contents B.Sc. B.A. Honours General Core Courses (CC) 14 (1 Subject) 12 (4 each from 3 Subjects) 8 (4 each from 2 Subjects) Generic Electives (GE) 4 (2 each from 2) 2 (2 from 1) Discipline Specific Electives (DSE) (4 from1) 6 (2 each from 3) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) (2 from1) (2 each from2) Language Core Courses (LCC-1 & LCC-2) (Engl:2+MIL:2) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses(AECC) 2 courses for all AECC-1: Communicative English / MIL + AECC-2: EVS Total Number of Courses 26 24 5
Total Credits 96+44[=140 Credits] 118+22[=140 Credits] Credit Structure of B.Sc. And B.A. (Honours) Courses Course Contents B.Sc. B.A. Theory Practical Tutorial Core Courses (CC) 14X4=56 14X2=28 14X5=70 14X1=14 Generic Electives (GE) 4X4=16 4X2=8 4X5=20 4X1=4 Discipline Specific Electives (DSE) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) 2X2=4 Language Core Courses 4 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses Total No. of Courses/ Credits 26[=96 Cr] 22[=44 Cr] 26[=118 Cr] 22[=22 Cr] Total Credits 96+44[=140 Credits] 118+22[=140 Credits] 6
Credit Structure of B.Sc. (General) Courses Course Contents B.Sc. General (With Lab) B.Sc. General (With Tutorial) Theory Practical Tutorial Core Courses (CC) 12X4=48 12X2=24 12X5=60 12X1=12 Generic Electives (GE) Discipline Specific Electives (DSE) 6X4=24 6X2=12 6X5=30 6X1=6 Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) 4X2=8 Language Core Courses Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 2X2=4 Total No. of Courses/ Credits 24[=84 Cr] 18[=36 Cr] 24[=102 Cr] 18[=18 Cr] Total Credits 84+36=120 Credits 102+18=120 Credits 7
Credit Structure of B.A. (General) Courses Course Contents B.A. General (With Lab) B.A. General (With Tutorial) Theory Practical Tutorial Core Courses (CC) 8X4=32 8X2=16 8X5=40 8X1=8 Generic Electives (GE) 2X4=8 2X2=4 2X5=10 2X1=2 Discipline Specific Electives (DSE) 4X4=16 4X2=8 4X5=20 4X1=4 Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) Language Core Courses Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses Total No. of Courses/ Credits 24[88] 18[32] 26[102] 18[18] Total Credits 120 8
— 9 Semester-wise distribution of courses for B.Sc. Hons Courses Sem-I Sem-II Sem-III Sem-IV Sem-V Sem-VI REMARKS Core Course (CC) 2TH+2P CC 1+2 2TH+2P CC 3+4 3TH+2P CC 5+6+7 3TH+2P CC 8+9+10 2TH+2P CC 11+12 2TH+2P CC 13+14 For Lab-based subjects Th 50 Marks; Pr 30 marks; IA of 10 and AR of 10 marks Generic Electives (GE) 1TH+1P GE-1 1TH+1P GE-2 1TH+1P GE-3 1TH+1P GE-4 Physics Hons+Chem(G)+Maths(G) GE-1 shall mean either CC-1 of Chemistry/Maths PROVIDED THAT a candidate shall select any two course each from Chemistry and Mathematics Discipline Specific Electives (DSE) — 2TH+2P DSE A(1)+B(1) A(2)+B(2) A student must select two courses from Gr-A and Gr-B of DSE in Sem-V & VI Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) AECC-1 Com.Eng/ MIL AECC-2 EVS Every student shall select Communicative English/MIL Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Two Courses from Hons. Subject 1TH SEC-A(1) 1TH SEC-B(2) ❶No Change in Admission Procedure ❷Hons Course of 2600 marks ❸520 marks to be awarded by the college ❹Minimum marks to be obtained=30% ❺Candidate to get at least 30% in all courses Total No. of Courses: 26 (2600) 4 4 x 100 =400 5 5 x 100 =500 Total Credits =140 20 26 24 9
— 10 Semester-wise distribution of courses for B.A. Hons Courses Sem-I Sem-II Sem-III Sem-IV Sem-V Sem-VI REMARKS Core Course (CC) 2TH+2Tu CC 1+2 2TH+2Tu CC 3+4 3TH+3Tu CC 5+6+7 3TH+3Tu CC 8+9+10 2TH+2Tu CC 11+12 2TH+2Tu CC 13+14 For Lab-based subjects Th 65 Marks; Tu 15 marks; IA of 10 and AR of 10 marks Tu ≠ Class Test Generic Electives (GE) 1TH+1Tu GE-1 1TH+1Tu GE-2 1TH+1Tu GE-3 1TH+1Tu GE-4 Bengali Hons+Pol Sc(G)+Phil(G) GE-1 shall mean either CC-1 of Pol Sc/Phil PROVIDED THAT a candidate shall select any two course each from Pol Sc and Philosophy Discipline Specific Electives (DSE) — 2TH+1Tu DSE A(1)+B(1) A(2)+B(2) A student must select two courses from Gr-A and Gr-B of DSE in Sem-V & VI Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) AECC-1 Com.Eng/ MIL AECC-2 EVS Every student shall select Communicative English/MIL Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Two Courses from Hons. Subject 1TH SEC-A(1) 1TH SEC-B(2) ❶No Change in Admission Procedure ❷Hons Course of 2600 marks ❸520 marks to be awarded by the college ❹Minimum marks to be obtained=30% ❺Candidate to get at least 30% in all courses Total No. of Courses:26 (2600) 4 4 x 100 =400 5 5 x 100 =500 Total Credits =140 20 26 24 10
— 11 Semester-wise distribution of courses for B.Sc. General Courses Sem-I Sem-II Sem-III Sem-IV Sem-V Sem-VI REMARKS Core Course (CC) 3TH+3P CC 1 3TH+3P CC 2 3TH+3P CC 3 3TH+3P CC 4 — For Lab-based subjects Th 50 Marks; Pract 30 marks; IA of 10 and AR of 10 marks Generic Electives (GE) No Generic Elective for B.Sc. General Course Discipline Specific Electives (DSE) 3TH+3P DSE-A (1+2+3) 3TH+3P DSE-B A student must select two courses from Gr-A and Gr-B of 3 DSE in Sem-V & VI Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) AECC-1 Com.Eng/ MIL AECC-2 EVS Every student shall select Communicative English/MIL Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Four Courses, two each from two subjects 1TH SEC-A(1) 1TH SEC-B(2) 1TH SEC-A(3) 1TH SEC-B(4) ❶No Change in Admission Procedure ❷Gen Course of 2400 marks ❸480 marks to be awarded by the college ❹Minimum marks to be obtained=30% ❺Candidate to get at least 30% in all courses Total No. of Courses:24 (2400) 4 4 x 100 =400 Total Credits =120 20 11
— 12 Semester-wise distribution of courses for B.A. General Courses Sem-I Sem-II Sem-III Sem-IV Sem-V Sem-VI REMARKS Core Course (CC) 2TH+2Tu CC 1 2TH+2Tu CC 2 2TH+2Tu CC 3 2TH+2Tu CC 4 — For Non Lab-based subjects Th 65 Marks Tu 15 marks; IA of 10 marks AR of 10 marks Language (LCC) 1TH+1Tu LCC1(1) Eng. 1TH+1Tu LCC2(1) Alt.Eng/MIL Generic Electives (GE) 1TH+1Tu GE 1 1TH+1Tu GE 2 Two courses from the 3rd subject Discipline Specific Electives (DSE) 2TH+2Tu DSE A (1A + 2A) 2TH+2Tu DSE B (1B + 2B) Two courses each from two main subjects Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) AECC-1 Com.Eng/ MIL AECC-2 EVS Every student shall select Communicative English/MIL Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Four Courses, two each from two subjects 1TH SEC-A(1) 1TH SEC-B(2) 1TH SEC-A(3) 1TH SEC-A(4) ❶No Change in Admission Procedure ❷Gen Course of 2400 marks ❸480 marks to be awarded by the college ❹Minimum marks to be obtained=30% ❺Candidate to get at least 30% in all courses Total No. of Courses (2600) 4 4 x 100 =400 Total Credits =120 20 12
End Semester Examination Duration Th. Papers other than AECC (with Lab) 100/50 Marks 4/2 hrs Th. Papers other than AECC (without Lab) 65-80 3 hrs Practical/Tutorial ≤ 30 ≥ 30 5 hrs AECC-1 (Comm. Engl./MIL) [MCQ] 80 2 hrs AECC-2 (EVS Theoretical) 50 1 hr 30 min 13
Numerical Grade Points 10 point Grading System Percentage of Marks Grades Numerical Grade Points ≥ 90% to 100% A++ 9.1 to 10 ≥ 80% but < 90% A+ 8.0 to 9.0 ≥ 70% but < 80% A 7.0 to 8.0 ≥ 60% but < 70% B+ 6.0 to 7.0 ≥ 50% but < 60% B 5.0 to 6.0 ≥ 40% but < 50% C+ 4.0 to 5.0 ≥ 30% but < 40% C 3.0 to 4.0 < 30% F Absent Ab 14
Other Important Aspects-1 15 For CC/GE/DSE (Lab-based) subjects: 4 Credits for Theory and 2 Credits for Practical papers For CC/GE/DSE (Non Lab-based) subjects: 5 Credits for Theory and 1 Credit for Tutorial papers GE Courses are CC Papers of General Courses DSE/SEC: Group A & B for specified Semesters AECC-1 shall mean Communicative English/ MIL AECC-2 shall mean EVS
Other Important Aspects-2 16 A student must clear the entire curriculum within a span of 5 years All teachers and all departments shall be responsible for keeping the records pertaining to (1) Attendance and (2) Internal Assessment All teachers and all departments offering Non lab-based subjects need to keep all records pertaining to Tutorials Examination of the compulsory courses will be held as per routine prescribed by the University Evaluation of answer scripts of compulsory courses will be taken care of by the University All kinds of calculation for SGPA and CGPA will be the responsibility of the Affiliating University
Other Important Aspects-3 17 Classes shall be of 45 minutes duration Registration process shall be completed prior to the commencement of Semester-I Examinations AECC Courses shall be considered for calculating SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) End Semester Examinations are to be held ordinarily at the end of the concerned Semester, i.e., Semester-I, Semester-III, Semester-V in December-January and Semester-II, Semester-IV, Semester-VI in June-July of every year Minimum Pass %=30 Minimum CGPA of 4.000 for Hons Degree
18 Regular Classes and Examination as per 1+1+1 system of Instruction Departmental Responsibilities Years Extant System Newly introduced Semesterised CBCS System Semester-I Semester-II Honours General Year 1 (2018-19) Regular Classes and Examination as per 1+1+1 system of Instruction for the students of 2nd year +3rd year CC (1+2) of 100 marks each (Th+Pr/Tu) CC (1) of 100 marks (Th+Pr/Tu) CC (3+4) of 100 marks each CC (2) Year 2 (2019-20) Regular Classes and Examination as per 1+1+1 system for the students of 3rd year Semester-III Semester-IV CC (5+6+7) + SEC-A(1) CC (3) + SEC-A(1) CC (8+9+10) SEC-B(2) Year 3 (2020-21) No programme under 1+1+1 system of study Semester-V Semester-VI CC (11+12) DSE-A(1)+B(1) DSC-A(1+2) of 100 mark each (Th+Pr/Tu) + SEC-A(3) CC (13+14) DSE-A(2)+B(2) DSC-A(1+2) of 100 mark each (Th+Pr/Tu) + SEC-B(4) 18