Year 6 Autumn Term 2018 Maths lessons will focus on place value, the four rules of number, fractions and position and direction. We will also be working on arithmetic skills for the SATs in May. In Topic during the first half term we will be studying Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman. Within this, we will be incorporating English, Science, History, Geography, Art, D & T and Computing. Learning will be linked in a cross-curricular way. This unit of work will have a strong Science focus; a local high school will be assisting us in a dissection later in the half term. English work will focus on a range of different types of writing including dairies, character descriptions, non chronological reports and information texts. Science work will focus on how the heart works, potential heart problems and investigating pulse rates. Our class novel this half term will be Shell, by Paula Rawsthorne. In Year 6, there is an expectation that your child will read every day, ideally with an adult. Spellings will be given out every Friday which they will need to learn for an in class test, the following Friday. P.E. will take place on Wednesday and Friday.