State of the School Title I Meeting Folwell School, Performing Arts Magnet October 9, 2014 5/8/2019
Folwell School, Performing Arts Magnet Our Vision-It is the vision of Folwell School to be a school of excellence with high quality staff, effective instruction and successful responsible students Mission- It is the primary mission of Folwell School to encourage all of our students to become responsible, successful learners in and through the arts.
Beliefs Beliefs-Arts integration is the use of arts to support standards-based learning in math, science, literacy and other academic subjects. At Folwell, we believe that arts inspire achievement and strive to integrate the arts in every classroom. For students to have rich, productive educational experience, the following conditions must exist:
Safe, organized and clean environment Constructive feedback Meaningful practice Respectful relationships Collaboration Purposeful assessments Variety of learning opportunities Arts Integration
Description Demographics Grade Configuration Pre K-8 Free & Reduced Lunch- 87% African American – 33% Asian -2% Caucasian – 13% Hispanic – 50% Native American – 2 % Unique programing Academic classes are integrated with the arts-Theatre and Music integration in classrooms Relative History Folwell began in the fall of 2012. Community partners include: Americorps Guadalupe Alternative Program Learning through Music, the Young Band project, other arts organizations
Current Reality Strengths In 2013-2014, we increased by 5% in Reading & Math, and above the district. 60% of all groups in 2013-2014 made one year’s growth in math. Grades 3 and 5 increased over 12% in both reading and math. Challenges Less than 50% of Special education students made one year’s growth last year. For this coming year, In literacy, most grade levels need to increase in by 10% to meet our SIP goals.
School Designation School Designation: Focus The Minnesota Department of Education identifies a school designation at Title I schools based on the following categories from the MCA results: Proficiency Growth (MCA to MCA) Achievement Gap Reduction
As a parent, you have the right… to know the qualifications of your child’s teacher to know when your child has a substitute teacher for more than four weeks and the qualifications of the substitute teacher to know how your child’s school is rated on its state test scores to expect regular communication with your school in a language that you can understand to work with other parents and staff to develop a school-level parent compact between the school and its families to help plan how money for family involvement should be spent to work with teachers, parents and the school principal to develop a family involvement plan to ask for a meeting with your school principal or your child’s teacher at any time
Use of Title I Funds at Our School To support those goals we are using the Title I money in the following ways. 89% is being used for teachers and other staff 4% is being used to support our curriculum
Use of Title I Funds at Our School 2% is being used for professional development for our teachers 2% is being used for family involvement 3% is being used for other purposes
Family Engagement Goal Areas: 1) Communication (2-way) 2) Decision-making 3) Learning at home Strategies: 1) Parent-teacher-student conferences on reading goals and on reading progress 2) PTO/Advisory Council and monthly coffee with our Principal provides input on school goals and requirements for student attendance 3) Parents check their children’s math and reading homework and school work progress in person and via school Parent Portal
School Improvement Plan Our School Improvement Plan is designed to address the concerns revealed in the data and is focused on three core areas. Student achievement School climate Family engagement
Student Achievement Goal Areas: 10% Growth on Reading and Math MCA scores 1) Reading-all students will increase by 10% 2) Math-all students will increase by 10% Strategies: Focused Instruction to align what we teach with how we teach and what we assess 2) Professional Learning Communities for teachers to meet, develop strategies, and plan lessons to meet student needs
School Climate Goal Areas: 1) Attendance 2) Out-of-class referrals and suspensions 3) Implement Positive School-wide Engagement Team (PSWET) strategies Strategies: 1) Attendance plan- 95% attend 95% of the time 2) Second Step-promote community, empathy, responsibility 3) Positive Behavior Plan-decrease referrals and suspensions via PSWET
Student Progress To monitor how our students are learning, we will use state assessments and other ways to gather information to plan for programs for our students. These are the ways we share this information with you about your student throughout the year. 1. Reports sent home in backpacks. 2. Parent-Teacher conferences 3. U.S. mail
Opportunities for Family Involvement Provide input in the development of the School Improvement Plan, Family Involvement Plan, and the School Compact Participate in Advisory Council, PTO, CPEO….. Parents/guardians are encouraged to participate in Title I meetings and learning opportunities. Attend school events Visit your child’s classroom or volunteer at your child’s school Talk to your child’s teacher about events and issues that may affect your child’s work or behavior
Family and Community Supports At the school level, contact our family liaison: BethTimm or Reyna Martinez 668-4567 Community liaisons for the school district in each Area (A, B, and C) as well as Cultural liaisons for families. District Parent Advisory Councils
More Information For more detailed information on our School Improvement Plan and Family Involvement, please request a copy from the school or visit our website:
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