Planning and Spending ASK: Who has developed a plan or budget within your college?
The Faculty Role in Planning and Budgeting Reference The Faculty Role in Planning and Budgeting Adopted Fall 2001 In binder
What is a plan? Roadmap Pathway to accomplish Guide to both current and future activities Involves goals & outcomes An attempt to chart the future based upon some known and potential information Attempt to chart the future based upon some known and potential expectations
What are the common types of plans? Strategic Facilities Unit Educational – short term Academic master plan – long term Technology Distance ed plans Hiring ???? (tough to do!!)
Faculty involvement Title 5, §53202 (c) (10) Processes for institutional planning and development Clarification: academic senates’ authority extended only to the development of planning and budget PROCESSES, and not to the specifics of the plans and budgets themselves You better be involved in those processes Conversation on campuses – more collegiality in processes
Jargon (plans) Goals Objectives most general, a broad areas of concern Objectives state the specific things to be accomplished within each general area of concern Action Plans state exactly how those objectives are to be accomplished
More Jargon Criteria determine prioritization achieve common denominator what we’re going to do in planning Specific elements can include things like safety, certification, accreditation, etc. Standards technology, classroom, facilities, etc.
Jargon (budgets) General fund apportionment Restricted/categorical funds State vs. federal funding Grants Foundations Bonds Ask what these are one by one
Budget requirements Required by Education Code State and federal funding drives both budgeting processes and the calendar State budget (3 year lead time to Jan. 15th draft) January draft May revise Further revisions Signed budget (theoretically by June 15)
Principles Planning should drive budgeting, never the reverse Planning should always be for the first-rate, even in the face of second- or third-rate budget allocations (additional principles: pp. 15 – 17)
Local district policies Will define budgetary processes and faculty participation Know our campus policies. (Check structure for multi-college districts.)
Process in brief Program Review creates the information for Program Planning! Dept. Plans Division Plans Master Plans Budget Development
Strategic Plan Provides mission and values Provides broad goals and targets Provides specific actions for completing master plans
Next steps Study the reference Read your local budget policies and processes Get involved