MONDAY, APRIL 13TH PAP – Turn in your summaries to the inbox. Get the handout from the outbox. Tape in Read and underline important ideas. Table breakdown of components 1 – D 2 – I 3 – D 4 – L 5 – S 6 – Do we see any connections to other tools we have used? Brainstorm ideas to remember this while we read. 7 – Do we consistently think about these things when we read? How can we incorporate into our thinking?
READING EXCERPT Teacher led analysis of an excerpt of “The Fall of the House of Usher” Sentence breakdown and application of strategies listed POE As time allows, begin independent application with Fahrenheit 451 excerpt.
TUESDAY QW - Without looking, try to write down what DIDLS stands for. Continue/begin Fahrenheit 451 independent application of close reading strategies. Questioning – write down questions on the right side of your page. Think about what you don’t understand or need more clarification on. PAP - When you finish, read the rest of section 1.
CONTINUED LAST TWO QUESTIONS ON HANDOUT Write a one sentence summary of the passage. Writing prompt - Ray Bradbury creates a society unlike our own. Write a response in which you analyze how Bradbury uses diction, imagery, details, language, and sentence structure to introduce you to this society and to set the tone for the novel.
ELA - WEDNESDAY Turn your response into the inbox QW – Write about your favorite technology….. Reading Expectations Characterizations Questions Reading Bookmark Section 1 - Fahrenheit 451
PAP - WEDNESDAY QW – Write about your favorite technology….. Answer all 7 questions thoroughly. Answer 3 questions from your reading log (if you didn’t yesterday). Read the instructions at the top and bottom of the reading log carefully.
ELA - THURSDAY QW – What was the most interesting part of yesterday’s reading (pg 1-15 of F-451)? Answer all 7 questions thoroughly. Answer 3 questions from your reading log (if you didn’t yesterday). Read the instructions at the top and bottom of the reading log carefully.
PAP - THURSDAY QW – What was the most interesting part of yesterday’s reading (pg 1-15 of F-451)? From “at nine in the morning! Mildred’s bed was empty” to “goodbye…” At the bottom of page 28. Trouble Slips – As you read, write down confusing parts – comprehension struggles After – what did he get right about our futuristic society (60 plus years later)? Wrong?
ELA - FRIDAY QW: Are you a Clarisse or a Montag? Think about the characteristics of each character: How do they approach the world? What do others think of them? This may help you decide.
Read Section 2 – pages 15-28 26.11 From “at nine in the morning! Mildred’s bed was empty” to “goodbye…” At the bottom of page 28. Trouble Slips – As you read, write down confusing parts – comprehension struggles After – what did he get right about our futuristic society (60 plus years later)? Wrong?
PAP - FRIDAY QW: Are you a Clarisse or a Montag? Think about the characteristics of each character: How do they approach the world? What do others think of them? This may help you decide. READING/PROJECT DAY