The Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer System (STAS) The Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer System (STAS) stretches from Central Namibia into Western Botswana and South Africa’s Northern Cape Province, and lies entirely within the Orange-Senqu River Basin. The STAS covers a total area of 86 647km², of which 73% of the area is in Namibia, 19% in Botswana, and 8% in South Africa. The STAS was delineated based on the occurrence of geological formations belonging to the so-called Ecca Group within the Auob and Nossob river basins. 2 ephemeral rivers (Auob and Nossob) that never reach the Orange River
The GGRETA project Governance of Groundwater Resources in Transboundary Aquifers (GGRETA) project: Funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Implemented by UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (IHP) Phase 1 (2013-2015): In-depth assessment of the STAS Phase 2 (2016-2018): Capacity-building modules on groundwater modeling, legal and institutional, and gender issues Development of the STAS numerical model Set the baseline for institutionalizing cooperation over the STAS
Rationale of the Namibia proposal for the structure of the STAS MCCM Nesting GGRETA project current structure into ORASECOM Ground Water Hydrology Committee (GWHC)
(current GGRETA project) Focal Points ORASECOM Structure COUNCIL TASK TEAMS SECRETARIAT COMMUNICATIONS FINANCIAL LEGAL TECHNICAL (STAS) HYDROGEOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEE Ground Water Hydrology Committee Botswana Commissionner Namibia Commissionner South Africa Commissionner (current GGRETA project) Focal Points ORASECOM Structure SADC-GMI (Invited Member) (Hydrogeology + Model) (Legal and institutional) (Gender) (Hydrogeology + Model) (Legal and institutional) (Gender) (Hydrogeology + Model) (Legal and institutional) (Gender)
Rationale for a STAS MCCM Over-arching objective: Transitioning from GGRETA project-driven cooperation to institutionalized cooperation Short-term objective: Continue joint study & characterization of STAS, and generate flow of data feeding the STAS numerical model Reporting of activities at each meeting of the Ground Water Hydrology Committee (GWHC) Long-term objective: Move from data collection & exchange to joint strategizing/advising STAS countries on management of STAS resources Value-added: STAS vision/perspective consistency of direction & purpose of domestic actions joint control of data & information feeding the STAS numerical model
Data collection & exchange Core tasks Data collection & exchange Manage data flow feeding the STAS numerical model Attract donor funding Advise STAS countries on application of available/relevant SADC guidelines to the specifics of STAS Liaise with SADC-GMI and ORASECOM
Legal arrangements & Funding ORASECOM Council decision required Each STAS country would bear the cost of its representative on the Ground Water Hydrology Committee (GWHC)
Advantages No changes in ORASECOM structure required Focal points provide inputs to GWHC Commissioners Expeditiousness of implementation Current GGRETA project National Coordinators are replaced by GWHC Commissioners Leanness of institutional architecture: No secretariat facility is required Economies of scale: GWHC relies on support facilities available in ORASECOM Cost to STAS countries limited to GWHC meetings
Consideration of possible challenges STAS Countries will have to define next steps in order to evaluate if there are any challenges, and how to overcome them with the support of ORASECOM and UNESCO (through the GGRETA project).