By Kathryn M. Reeves 5/8/2000 CIS200 POWER POINT lecture By Kathryn M. Reeves 5/8/2000 CIS200
Power Point Views Slide Outline Slide Sorter Notes Page Slide Show
Creating a Presentation Presentation Designs design templates provides consistency in design and color throughout the presentation determines color scheme, font and font size, and layout starts with a title slide extension .ppt 24 AutoLayouts Placeholders empty objects on a new slide layout of individual slides PP assumes every new slide has a title shift/NewSlide shift/SlideView
Additional Features Word Processing Outlining Graphing Drawing bulleted lists multiple fonts & sizes find & replace combines words and images Outlining uses an outline to create a presentation Graphing create and insert charts Drawing create diagrams Clip Art computer artwork AutoClipArt feature Multimedia Effects sound video
Animation Effects Slide Transitions Custom Animation Effects Slide Sorter View Shift/choose slides Right click Slide Transition Have fun! Custom Animation Effects Slide Master view Right click Custom Animation
Running an Animated Slide Show Slide transition click mouse button to advance Text animation paragraph level Clip art objects sequence established