Issues on the current information system Stop TB, WHO/WPRO
Objectives of the WHO TB information system Understanding the burden of TB Measure progress in TB control and implementing the DOTS strategy Increased political awareness Targeting of resources Monitoring and Evaluation
Data flow
Data management NTP Country Office WPRO WHO/HQ Data collection Data verification Data entry Calculation (notification) Calculation (estimates) Reporting
Western Pacific Region targets 2005 100% DOTS coverage 85% cure rate 70% case detection rate 2010 Reduce morbidity by half Reduce mortality by half
Measuring progress (2005 targets) 100% DOTS 85% cure 70% case detection % population covered by DOTS units Cohort analysis of treatment outcomes Notified / Estimated new cases
Monitor strategies to address low CDR in the WPR Improving the quality of laboratory services: % TB labs with a standardized QA programme TB and poverty strategy Indicators of social exclusion? (income, ethnicity, locality and employment status) Expansion of Public-Private Mix strategy % cases detected in the private sector HIV/TB activities HIV prevalence in TB cases % TB cases offered VCT services % newly detected TB cases screened for TB
Measuring progress (2010 targets) Reduce prevalence by half Reduce mortality by half Monitor prevalence: Prevalence surveys Other sources of data: indirect estimates Monitor mortality: Vital Registration system Surveys Other sources of data
Constraints Simplicity Consistency with time: need to assess trends Transmission of forms Clear definitions Limited number of items Consistency with time: need to assess trends Information system useful to NTPs and to partners New strategies new indicators