Voting for 2018 Temasek Primary Head Prefect
Temasek Primary Head Prefect The 5 CANDIDATES You have heard their voices. Now it is your chance to vote for the next Temasek Primary Head Prefect
The 5 CANDIDATES Voting will be open from 9th February (after 1:30pm) to 11th February (at 1:30pm)
How to Vote Primary 1 & 2 Student Leaders will vote using askNlearn Primary 3 - 6 Student Leaders will vote using the MCOnline
LOGGING IN TO THE SYSTEM Step 1: Open any ONE Internet browser
For P1 and P2 Student Leaders Type in the address bar then click on the arrow key
For P1 and P2 Student Leaders Go to
For P1 and P2 Student Leaders (Using the Mouse) Click on the arrow to change the school to Temasek primary school
For P1 and P2 Student Leaders Enter your User ID: tmps + last 6 characters of BC no. (Example: tmps12345A) Enter your Password: tmps2018 (Using your mouse) click on LOGIN
For P1 and P2 Student Leaders Click on cancel.
For P1 and P2 Student Leaders Click on “My Task”
For P1 and P2 Student Leaders (Using your mouse) Click on 2018 Head Prefect Elections
For P1 and P2 Student Leaders (Using your mouse) Click on Take Survey
For P1 and P2 Student Leaders Once you have decided on a candidate, Click on your choice You can only vote for 1 candidate There are a total of 5 Candidates Read up to find out more about the candidates.
For P1 and P2 Student Leaders After your have cast your vote Click on submit
Visit the school website for more information Under the ‘Quick Links’ section
For P3 to P6 Student Leaders Type in in your browser’s address bar
For P3 to P6 Student Leaders Remember... Login ID: tmps + last 6 characters of BC no. (Example: tmps12345A) School ID: TEMSKPS Password: tmps2018
For P3 to P6 Student Leaders Once you have logged in, you will see this notification. Please click on it.
For P3 to P6 Student Leaders It will bring you to this page. Click on the link titled “2018 Head Prefect Election”
For P3 to P6 Student Leaders You can read through the candidates details which will help you in making your decision.
For P3 to P6 Student Leaders Once you’ve made your decision, select your option. Then finally, click on the blue Submit button. And you’re done!
Visit the school website for more information Under the ‘Quick Links’ section
Thank you & remember to Vote wisely