Agenda TED Talk: Success/Grit Intro to Film Analysis Speech


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda TED Talk: Success/Grit Intro to Film Analysis Speech Outliers – discuss Chaps. 3-4 HW: SB Texts (Chief Joseph, Susan B. Anthony, & On Civil Disobedience)

Reminders Rhetorical Analysis #1 – Remember to finish the final revisions by Thursday of this week. R.A. #2 – will be assigned Thursday. Next Friday, I will pick up ONE Rhetorical Analysis to be graded. We will discuss Film Project today and hopefully select directors Vocab Unit 10 Regular Quiz, Friday, 5/3

TED Talk As we watch this week’s TED Talk, consider the following: What does she want the audience to believe? (her argument/thesis) How does she build her argument? How does this relate/connect to: Our unit EQs/themes Gladwell’s argument thus far

Intro to Film Analysis Speech

Outliers Chaps. 3 & 4 Key concepts/terms for each chapter (3)

SB Argument Texts (Finish for HW) Read Chief Joseph (p. 190), Susan B. Anthony (p.191-192), & On Civil Disobedience (p. 186- 187) Note which rhetorical devices each speaker uses. Create a chart – comparing all 3 excerpts. Include not only the rhetoric used, but also audience, purpose, and tone.